This approach allows to:
– develop the skills and support a professional growth of each colleague to maximum effect;
– improve the quality of work essentially;
– improve the quality of work essentially;
Efficient work on any project depends on the efforts of various masters of the team, so let us introduce you the staff, capable of bringing to life all your ideas.
Work of the editor is not only a filigree arrangement of words, but also putting heart and sole into a text. Namely thanks to his work all the information, accompanying the project, gets a due public response. Work with ICO, cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects need special skills, which our editors obtained, having a vast experience in media support of many currently popular projects.
Illustrations help the readers to get visual reinforcement of information, that allows to make it simple and available as much as possible. One can create Illustrations only under the full penetration into the task specifics. The best proof of such approach can be successful works of our illustrators, either of which is a piece of art.
Graphic designers
Style is rather important and helps to make an image easy to remember. Its selection and realization is a job for a professional, capable of getting a good look at all the features of a project and bringing them into the whole image. Graphic designers work on the development of promotional leaflets, presentations and other materials, that make up a total image of a project together.
Web designers
Tasks: evaluation of purposes and reasons of site users; design and planning of site structure; interface design; browsing design; user interaction support; content arrangement and its quality control.
Protection of legal issues, as well as drawing up all the edges of the project with a clear adherence to the position of the law, is the guarantor of project safety. The complexity of solving issues in a given sector is associated with an active change in the regulatory sphere of projects on the detachment, which can already be deduced as a separate area of jurisprudence.
IT technicians
Total IT support: technical presentation of a project, development of its components, maintenance of analytics and many other tasks, necessary for achieving the goals.
Marketing experts
Marketing expert is responsible for advertising image of a project, promotional techniques, based on the projectâs features, and many other tasks, aimed at the growth in popularity. One more point is to make up a road map, targeted at the best results.
Blockchain designers
Development of a blockchain-based project needs expertise. For task solution it is required to involve the designers, who can put the boldest ideas into the strict technical framework. Our developers have rich experience in design of various blockchain-based projects, and they can become a key to success for you.
SMM experts
Promotion via social media is an important part of project making, and this is a job for SMM experts. Their tasks are selection of promotion channels, targeting and other types of advertising, making up and editing of content, keeping of publics, etc. Work of SMM experts is like a bridge between a prospective user and a project.
SEO experts
Proper promotion, work with search services, creating of site core, content optimization under the target requests as well as publicity of a project and search of prospective users through the target channels are in the scope of tasks for SEO experts. A prominent SEO expert will provide your project with efficient promotion.
Development, realization and capability support of the projectâs software is the main scope of programmers. They combine the projectâs idea with the possibilities of technical performance. A unique solution will be found for every task, and that is due to a vast experience and unconventional approach to the implementation of ideas. The scope of tasks for SEO experts. A prominent SEO expert will provide your project with efficient promotion.
Project managers
Project manager can be compared with a pilot, who is responsible for good heading, correct operation of all necessary systems and controls the efficiency of actions. His job is a full control over the project, and due to that the team can see the directions for further growth.
Copywriters deal with making of entertaining, educational, informational and other types of content, its efficient design and publication in order to gain public responses as much as possible. Working with our copywriters, you will get the best result: from proper selection of information to its filigree design.
Work of journalists includes search, organization of information, unique interviews and many other things. They are responsible for creation of an efficient, interesting material, capable of achieving the goal from first lines.