With the UN World Population Prospects report predicting a 16% increase in the global population aged 65 and above by 2050, a 10% increase from 2022, recent years have witnessed a burgeoning fascination with the prospect of leveraging cutting-edge research to slow or even reverse the ageing process, ultimately aiming to enhance well-being and extend human longevity.
The innovation space around healthcare is transforming, and so too are perspectives. Healthcare today is not just about technological development or medical advancement, Global Longevity Metaverse believes modern healthcare is about unlocking time for humankind. The world is currently witnessing a shift in interest towards the science of longevity; and pivoting with this shift, Global Longevity Metaverse is on a mission to help people lead longer, healthier, happier and fuller lives, through innovation and collaboration.

In the coming years, we plan to implement comprehensive pilot projects in a number of countries with high Life Expectancy Index 2018: Hong Kong (84,1), Japan (83,9), Italy (83,2), Singapore (83,2), Israel (82,7), Canada (82,5), South Korea (82,4), Norway (82,3), New Zealand (82,0), Costa Rica (80,0), Qatar (78,3).
The GLU focuses on innovation methods that can be rapidly translated into patient wellness (diet, physical activity, prevention of deseases, diagnostic, treatment) as well as projects that have long-term goals (pharmacological, regenerative, biotehnology).
The professionals at the Global Longevity University study your personal heath; and if they identify any signs in your organism which may result in illness, they offer an extensive range of treatments to make you as healthy as you can be.
– age over 45 years for men and more than 65 years for women.
– family history (heredity);
– lack of physical activity;
– malignant neoplastic diseases.
– obesity;
– unbalanced nutrition and insufficient potassium intake;
– infection and imbalance of microbiota.
– ecology and water;
– insufficiency of vitamin D;
– intake of excess amount of table salt.
– chronic diseases (liver diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, nighttime apnea, kidney diseases).
– smoking;
– alcohol consumption;
– psychological stress.
The Global Longevity University pursues its mission through a wide range of activities. It carries out original researches and analysis on issues related to global aging. It publishes information, articles and presentations that communicate its findings and recommendations to the broadest possible audience.
GLU organizes and hosts conferences and forums that bring together science experts for constructive dialog about the scope of the global aging challenge and the most effective ways of the prolongation of life. Scientists and clinicians work together to identify and test dietary, pharmacological, regenerative and biotechnology, physical activity and engineering approaches to prevent multiple diseases of aging and maximize healthspan.
We are working in the synergism created by the various laboratories from 5 medical company and attracting leading scientists interested in a longevity research-centered approach to improve human health.
With anti-aging medical checkup, the GLU medical specialists will address potential threats to your health and check your aging progress, to provide you with a one-on-one custom health care program to keep you healthy.
GLU anti-aging and medical checkup programme is aimed at revitalising the entire body and suspension the ageing process.
Anti-aging and Medical Checkup includes:

The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and its proper function is indispensable for many critical metabolic functions, including the regulation of lipid and sugar metabolism, the production of important proteins, including those involved in blood clotting, and purification of blood. There are over 100 described diseases of the liver, and because of its many functions, these can be highly debilitating and life-threatening unless effectively treated.
Liver diseases can result from injury to the liver caused by a variety of insults, including hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), obesity, chronic excessive alcohol use or autoimmune diseases. Many people with active liver disease remain undiagnosed largely because liver disease patients are often asymptomatic for many years. According to the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), 29 million Europeans have chronic liver disease, and liver disease represents approximately two percent of deaths annually. In studies has been shown that in obese people hepatic tissue was characterized by signs of accelerated aging.

ALT is an enzyme that is produced in liver cells and is naturally found in the blood of healthy individuals. In liver disease, liver cells are damaged and as a consequence, ALT is released into the blood, increasing ALT levels above the normal range. Physicians routinely test blood levels of ALT to monitor the health of a patient’s liver.
ALT level is a clinically important biochemical marker of the severity of liver inflammation and ongoing liver disease. Elevated levels of ALT represent general markers of liver cell death and inflammation without regard to any specific mechanism. However, in later stage cirrhosis patients, ALT levels have been shown to not be elevated above the normal range.
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is a second enzyme found in the blood that is produced in the liver and routinely measured by physicians along with ALT. As with ALT, AST is often elevated in liver disease and, like ALT, is considered an overall marker of liver inflammation.
Another important marker of liver cell death is a protein fragment called caspase-cleaved Cytokeratin 18 (cCK18). During apoptosis, a key structural protein within the cell called Cytokeratin 18, or CK18, is specifically cleaved by caspases, which results in the release of cCK18 into the blood stream. cCK18 is easily detected in the blood with a commercially-available test and is a mechanism-specific biomarker of apoptosis and caspase activity.
Unlike ALT, cCK18 is elevated in patients with advanced liver disease and cirrhosis. Importantly, cCK18 is also present in healthy subjects and multiple studies have demonstrated an approximate basal level in healthy subjects. Numerous independent clinical trials and published studies have demonstrated the utility of cCK18 for detecting and gauging the severity of ongoing liver disease across a variety of disease etiologies. These studies have demonstrated correlations between disease and cCK18 levels in patients with ACLF, LC, portal hypertension (PH), HCV, NASH and various other liver disease indications. For example, it has been shown that in HCV patients, the severity of liver disease was correlated with cCK18 levels and apoptosis, such that the more severe the disease, the higher the serum level of cCK18.
In ACLF patients, studies have shown that blood levels of cCK18 were higher in non-surviving patients than in patients that survived. In LC patients, studies have shown that cCK18 levels are elevated and correlate with liver inflammation and cholestasis. cCK18 is a valid and important biomarker of excessive apoptosis in liver disease.
Markers of inflamation
Analyzing hormones
Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, FSH, LH, Estradiol, Progesteron, Prolactin, Cortizol. Thyroid: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, TG, TPO.
Evaluation of imbalance for homocystein, growth hormones, sex hormones, adrenal hormones, pancreatic hormones and thyroid hormone tests. Growth hormones and DHEA-S hormone levels linked to Anti-Aging, depression, stress and fatigue.
Marker of DNA
Marker of DNA damage and oxidative stress of 8-oxo-dGsn. 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) is an oxidized derivative of deoxyguanosine. 8-oxo-dG is the predominant form of DNA damage from oxidative stress.
With age, due to oxidative stress in DNA (a molecule where the genetic code of an organism is encoded), errors and mutations arise. The faster the rate of accumulation of DNA damage and mutations, the faster the aging of the body.
Immune Function Test
Your immune system protects you from germs, viruses, and chronic illnesses. Enhance your immune system by testing your NK (Natural Killer) cell activity level. NK cells are “natural killer” cells that respond to and destroy virus-infected cells and tumor cells. Aging is another fundamental factor in the development of cancer. The incidence of cancer increases dramatically with age. This is due to the accumulation of random mutations and epimutations, an age-related decrease in immunity and the effectiveness of DNA repair processes.
– Evaluation of accumulated heavy metals in the body and nutrient mineral imbalances by hair tissue analysis.
– Evaluation of the human body energy metabolism, detoxification function and proliferation of pathogens (bacteria, fungi).
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are mortality and aging brain marker
Folate and vitamin B12 are required both in the methylation of homocysteine to methionine and in the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine. S-adenosylmethionine is involved in numerous methylation reactions involving proteins, phospholipids, DNA, and neurotransmitter metabolism. Both folate and vitamin B12 deficiency may cause similar neurologic and psychiatric disturbances including depression, dementia, and a demyelinating myelopathy.
A current theory proposes that a defect in methylation processes is central to the biochemical basis of the neuropsychiatry of these vitamin deficiencies. Folate deficiency may specifically affect central monoamine metabolism and aggravate depressive disorders. In addition, the neurotoxic effects of homocysteine may also play a role in the neurologic and psychiatric disturbances that are associated with folate and vitamin B12 deficiency.
Bone health: 25-OH vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphate, Albumin.
Cardiovascular and inflammatory risk: Lipids and inflammation. Apolipoprotrein A 1, Apolipoproteine B, Ratio Apo B/ Apo A 1. Lipoprotein (А), Cholesterol total, Cholesterol HDL, Cholesterol LOL, Triglycerides, Ultra-sensitive CRP.
Uric acid: Thickness of the intima-media complex of the common carotid artery.
Diabetic_risk. Insulino-resistance: Fasting glucose, Fasting insulin, HOMA index.
The glomerular filtration rate is a marker of kidney aging, CVD mortality and prostate cancer risk.
Gastroscopy is the diagnosis of stomach cancer at an early stage
Colonoscopy is the diagnosis of colon cancer, as well as the analysis of feces for latent blood is an aybob test (1 every 3 years after 50 years).
Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) of the abdominal cavity organs (necessarily with contrast !!!) for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and liver (1 every 3 years after 40 years).
IGF1 (Somatomedin C) is a marker of the rate of aging and the risk of cancer, dementia and diabetes (once a year, starting at age 21).
yNutrition, metabolism, sports Iron metabolism: Iron, Ferritin, Transferrin, Soluble receptor TFE.
Genetic testing provides valuable information about our health that allows us to take the correct measures to improve our health and vitality, as well as prevent potential diseases. By understanding what lifestyle habits we should adopt and what nutrition plan suits us best, we can boost our health and prevent premature aging.

What if you could find out what types of workouts are the most beneficial and effective for your body? What foods you’re intolerant to and which ones you should be including in your diet? Thanks to genetic testing, it’s possible. The future of health and fitness is hyper-personalisation through DNA tests.
Through genetic testing, we can analyse the genetic make-up of each individual and gain a better understanding of our wellness needs. Instead of settling for a generic plan that might work for one person, but not for each individual, you can have access to a fitness plan that is tailored to your DNA, improving the benefits, efficiency and endurance of each individual.
Genetic testing doesn’t only provide valuable information about what the most appropriate workout plan is for each person, but also nutritional advice based on your DNA results. As a result, you’re able to create a personalised nutrition and fitness plan adapted to your needs and provide the best results for your health and wellbeing.
If you want to create a hyper-personalised health and fitness plan, than you should consider getting a DNA test to determine your body’s needs.
High technologies of longevity include the latest new drugs and resources that exist in the world practice for prolonging life.
The rejuvenation program includes only natural products, anti-oxidants, senolytics, polyvitamins, minerals, aminoacids and chelating agents. No secondary effects.
GLU helps you to live healthier and beautiful lifestyle by slowing down the aging process. We recommend high technologies of longevity to people with fatigue, sleep disorder, stress, and hormone syndrome and for prevention of deseases.
Detoxification therapy
In addition, as a personalized treatment, simple body-shape management as well as lymph drainage are available. Our therapies are recommended for those who wish to manage their health in preparation for their middle age or golden years, those who often suffer from minor illness or easily get fatigued, those who want to tone their bodies or get rid of firm fat.
– Treatment to increase the energy;
– Chelation of toxins and heavy metals;
– Stimulation of the immune system;
– Antyoxidant cocktail;
– Super high dose natural vitamin therapy.
Biotechnology therapy
Our application of stem cells is used to treat patients in a minimally invasive procedures with maximum results. We use innovative technologies with stem cells as one of the most effective anti-ageing treatment methods.
Stem cells are the basic building blocks of the human body, able to turn into any of 240 types of specialised cells. However, with age, the number of stem cells steadily decreases. That’s one of the reasons for the slower healing of wounds and fractures in the elderly, the higher likelihood of injury and the emergence of a number of chronic diseases. For example, if at birth the content of stem cells in the human body is 1 per 10,000 total cells, then in 50 years there is 1 per 500,000, and at age 70, 1 per 1,000,000. To maintain the body’s regenerative capacity, it’s also possible to bank stem cells.
Stem cells play the crucial role of replacing damaged and ageing cells – something no drug is capable of. When administered to the patient, stem cells migrate to the affected organs and provide restoration of entire biological structures; they also help normalise metabolism, align the body’s immune status and increase resistance to tumours. The programme also has a positive effect on sexual function.
These type of treatments with the advancements that await us in the future, give us the possibility of combating illnesses without the secondary effects that we have nowadays due to pharmaceuticals treatments, as well as the prevention and treatment of many illnesses and conditions including premature aging. If for example we have a damaged liver due to illness and we’re able to transplant the liver with a liver produced by stem cells from the patient (investigation and work that is already in progress), we will be taking a huge step in the direction of a new reality in human longevity and the medical practice.
Stress management
We all suffer from stress and anxiety from time to time, whether it’s because we are facing a stressful period at work or in our personal life. Whilst sometimes there isn’t much we can do about the circumstances we’re facing, we do have control over how we react to these situations, simply by using the tools that are available to us, like for example, breathing.
We forget how important breathing is for our inner balance and wellbeing and by simply doing some breathing exercises throughout the day, we’re able to reduce our cortisol levels and activate our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) that is responsible for relaxing the body, decreasing heart rate, lowering blood pressure and respiratory rate and diverting blood supply all over the body.
Stress management is an important health demand in developed and rapidly developing countries. The principle of stress management consists of four strategies. That is, reduction of stressors, culture of stress tolerance, enrichment of supporting resources, and early detection of manifestations of physical and mental disorders.
Depending on the blood results and the anamnesis of the patient, this treatment can be adapted and focused on specific health problem.
The organization’s vision is to holistically manage wellness, nutrition and health, and to diagnose and treat diseases to significantly change the treatment paradigm for patients by using personalized medicine and cutting edge technologies.