The purpose of our Website is to provide you with you some general information about the software being developed by us. You must not breach any of the following terms either our Acceptable User Policy set out below.
The Global Longevity Services
By accessing and using the website,, you agree to the following terms of use as they may be modified, changed, supplemented or updated from time to time being collectively, as well as all applicable laws and regulations. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. If you do not agree to all of these terms & conditions, please do not use this Website or any information, links or content contained on this Website. Your access to the website and use of this Website constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to abide by each of the terms set forth below including Global Longevity’s Privacy Policy which is herewith incorporated in these terms by reference. If you’re using Global Longevity Website on behalf of your organization, that organization accepts these terms.
These terms may be modified, changed, supplemented or updated by us (“we”, “us” or “our”) in its sole discretion at any time without advance notice. We suggest that you visit this page regularly to keep up to date with any other changes. Your continued usage of this Website will confirm your acceptance of these terms as modified, changed, supplemented or updated by us. If you do not agree to such revised terms you must stop using this Website and any information, links or content contained on Global Longevity Website.
Open Source Software
We may make (yet are not committed to make) the source code for the product we create accessible for download as open source programming. You consent to be bound by, and follow, any permit understanding that applies to this open source programming. You won’t demonstrate that you’re related with us regarding your utilization, changes or disseminations of this open source programming.
When we have any product and empower you to access and utilize such programming through our sites including this Website, at that point these terms will apply to such access and use, and any permit assertions that we may go into with you.
Third Party Content
We may show third-party content, advertisements, links, promotions, logos and other materials on our Website (collectively, the “Third-Party Content”) for your convenience only. We don’t affirm of, control, endorse or sponsor any third parties or Third-Party Content, and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding such Third-Party Content, including, without restriction, the accuracy, validity, legality, copyright compliance, or decency of such content. Your utilization of or associations with any Third-Party Content, and any outsider that gives Third-Party Content, are exclusively among you and such outsiders and we are not dependable or at risk in any way for such utilize or collaborations. We are not in charge of any of the content on third party sites linked to our Website nor can it be assumed that we have reviewed or approved of such sites or their content, nor do we warrant that the connections to these locales work or are up to date.
Open Source Software
We may make (however are not committed to make) the source code for the product we create accessible for download as open source programming. You consent to be bound by, and conform to, any permit understanding that applies to this open source programming. You won’t show that you are related with us regarding your utilization, changes or dispersions of this open source programming.
When we have any product and empower you to access and utilize such programming through our sites including this Website, at that point these terms will apply to such access and use, and in addition any permit understandings that we may go into with you.
User Content
On the off chance that you post, upload, input, provide or submit your personal data to us, including without limitation, your name, email address, IP address, cryptocurrency address, text, code or other information and materials, sign up to our mailing list or create an account on our Website (collectively, your “User Content”), you should guarantee that the User Content provided by you at that or at any other time is valid, exact, avant-garde and complete and that any User Content you post, upload, input, provide or submit to us or by the means of our Website do not breach or infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. We don’t claim, control or endorse any User Content that is transmitted, stored or processed via our Website or sent to us and we aren’t responsible or liable for any User Content. You are exclusively capable and subject for the majority of your User Content and for your utilization of any intuitive highlights, connections or data or substance on our Website, and you speak to and warrant that
1. you possess all protected innovation rights (or have acquired every single important authorization) to give your User Content and to give the licenses in these terms;
2. your User Content won’t damage any understandings or secrecy commitments;
3. your User Content won’t disregard, encroach or misuse any protected innovation right or other restrictive right, including the privilege of attention or security, of any individual or element.
You’re entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your User Content and any of your non-public information. Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all kind of activities that occur under your account itself (if any). You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your User Content, account or any other violation of security. We won’t be liable for any loss or damages that you may incur as a result of someone else using your User Content or account, either with or without your knowledge. You may not use anyone else’s User account at any time without the granted permission of such person or entity.
By posting, transferring, contributing, giving or presenting your User Content to us, you allow our associates and any important sub-licensees a non-selective, around the world, interminable, right and authorization to utilize, recreate, duplicate, alter, change, decipher, reformat, make subsidiary works from, disseminate, transmit, freely perform and openly show your User Content and sub-permit such rights to other people.
You should instantly refresh and educate us of any progressions to your User Content by refreshing your own information by reaching us at [email protected] .
In spite of the fact that we have no commitment to screen, alter or screen User Content, we hold the right, and have supreme circumspection, to expel, screen or alter User Content. Besides, in the event that we have motivation to trust that there is probably going to be a break of security, rupture or abuse of our Website or on the off chance that you break any of your commitments under these terms or the Privacy Policy, we may suspend your utilization of this Website whenever and for any reason.
Any User Content put togetherly by you on this Website might be gotten to by us all inclusive.
On the off chance that you choose to submit questions, remarks, proposals, thoughts, unique or innovative materials or other data to us (all in all, “Input”), you do as such alone accord and not founded on any demand or requesting from us. Criticism does exclude User Content. We maintain all authority to utilize Feedback for any reason at no charge and without pay to you. Try not to send us Feedback on the off chance that you hope to be paid or need to proceed to possess or guarantee rights to your Feedback. The motivation behind these terms is to stay away from potential false impressions or question if our items, administrations, business thoughts or business methodologies may appear to be like thoughts submitted to us as Feedback. On the off chance that you choose to send us Feedback, you recognize and comprehend that we make no affirmations that your Feedback will be treated as secret or exclusive.
Aggregate Information
We may accumulate information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Website which may include the information supplied by you. This data would causes us to structure and organize our Web pages in an easy to understand way and to constantly enhance our Website to meet the better needs of our Website clients. We may impart this sort of total information to chose outsiders to help with these reasons. Individual information is prepared by us as per our Privacy Policy.
Intellectual Property
We and our licensors hold OK, title and enthusiasm for and to this Website and its items and administrations, including all copyrights, licenses, exchange privileged insights, trademarks, other protected innovation rights, exchange names, logos, mottos, custom designs, catch symbols, contents, recordings, content, pictures, programming, code, documents, substance, data and other material accessible on our Website and nothing on this Website might be replicated, imitated or utilized, in entire or to a limited extent, without our or the pertinent licensor’s earlier composed authorization. holds all rights not explicitly conceded.
Any unapproved generation is restricted.
You may just access, utilize and print the data and material on this Website for non-business or individual utilize gave that you are approved to access such data or material and keep flawless all copyright and exclusive takes note.
You should not generally recreate, adjust, store, transmit, disseminate, print, show, popularize, distribute or make subsidiary works from any piece of the substance, configuration or plan of this Website.
On the off chance that you try to imitate or generally utilize the substance on this Website in any capacity it is your obligation to get endorsement from us for such utilize. Nothing in these terms will be interpreted as giving any privilege or permit to any patent, trademark, copyright or other restrictive privileges of or any outsider, regardless of whether by estoppel, suggestion or something else.
Acceptable Use Policy
You must only use the content or the services provided through Global Longevity Website for their stated purpose. You must not use this Website to:
1. publish, post, send, transfer, submit, show or scatter any data or material or potentially generally make accessible or take part in any direct that is unlawful, prejudicial, annoying, hostile, disparaging, damaging, compromising, destructive, hostile, foul, tortious or otherwise objectionable;
2. display, upload or transmit material that boost conduct that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise violate or breach any applicable laws, regulations or code of method;
3. interference or violation to the legal rights (such as rights of privacy & publicity) of others or violate other’s use or enjoyment of this Website Global Longevity;
4. violate any relevant laws or regulations;
5. usage of this Website or links on this Website in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or inhibit other users from using this Website or links on this Website or that could damage, disable, oppress or impair the functioning of this Website or our servers or any networks connected to any of our servers in any manner;
6. create a false personality to mislead others or deceitfully or generally distort yourself to be someone else or a delegate of another substance including, yet not restricted to, an approved client of this Website or deceitfully or generally distort that you have an alliance with a man, element or gathering;
7. mislead or delude us, our agents and any outsiders who may depend on the data given by you, by giving erroneous or false data, which incorporates exclusions of data;
8. disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services provided by our Website (whether by forging message/packet headers or otherwise manipulating normal identification information);
9. violate, breach or misappropriate any intellectual or industrial property right of any person (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party) or commit a tort;
10. upload files that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files, or any other kind of software or any programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer or property;
11. send, upload, display, disseminate or otherwise make available material containing or associated with the spam, junk mail, advertising for pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first confirming the authenticity of the warning), or any different form of unauthorized advertising or promotional material;
12. access any content, area or functionality of this Website that you are prohibited or restricted from accessing or attempt to bypass or evade measures employed to prevent or limit your access to any other content, area or functionality of this Website;
13. obtain unapproved access to or meddle with the execution of the servers which have this Website or give the administrations on this Website or any servers on any related systems or generally neglect to agree to any strategies or techniques identifying with the utilization of those servers;
14. attempt to increase unapproved access to any administrations or items, different records, PC frameworks, or systems associated with any of our servers through hacking, secret phrase mining, or some other means;
15. obtain or endeavor to get any materials or data through any methods not deliberately made accessible through this Website or its administrations;
16. harvest or generally gather, regardless of whether amassed or something else, information about others including email addresses or potentially disseminate or move such information in any way;
17. use any piece of this Website other than for its proposed reason;
18. use this Website to participate in or advance any action that abuses these terms;
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you will reimburse, shield and hold innocuous us and our particular past, present and future workers, officers, chiefs, contractual workers, consultants, equity holders, suppliers, vendors, service providers, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns from and against all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) that arise from or relate to:
1. your access to or utilization of our Website, items or administrations;
2. your User Content;
3. any Feedback you give;
4. your infringement of these Terms.
This site and all data, items and administrations gave through this site are given “as seems to be” and on an “as accessible” premise with no portrayals, guarantees, guarantees or ensures at all of any sort including, without restriction, any portrayals, guarantees, guarantees or assurances in regards to the exactness, cash, fulfillment, sufficiency, availability, suitability or activity of this site, any items or administrations we may give through it or the data or material it contains. Every one of our gatherings disavow all portrayals and guarantees, regardless of whether express, suggested or statutory, concerning the prior, including, without constraint:
This website and all information, products and services provided through this website are provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis without any representations, warranties, promises or guarantees whatsoever of any kind including, without limitation, any representations, warranties, promises or guarantees regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, adequacy, availbility, suitablity or operation of this website, any products or services we may provide through it or the information or material it contains. Each of our parties disclaim all representations and warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, with regard to the foregoing, including, without limitation:
1. any guarantee as for the substance, data, information, administrations, availability, continuous access, or administrations or items furnished through or regarding this site;
2. any guarantees that this site or the server that makes it accessible are free of infections, worms, trojan steeds or other destructive parts;
3. any guarantees that this site, its substance and any administrations or items gave through it are without mistake or that surrenders in this site, its substance or such administrations or items will be redressed;
4. any guarantees of title or inferred guarantees of merchantability or qualification for a specific reason;
5. any guarantees that this site will be good with your PC or other electronic hardware;
6. any guarantees of non-encroachment. The materials and related illustrations distributed on this site could incorporate specialized mistakes or typographical blunders. Changes are intermittently included to the data contained this site. We may make enhancements and additionally changes to the site, its items, administrations and additionally the materials depicted on this site whenever.
Likewise, to the most extreme degree allowed by law, none of the our Parties will be mindful or at risk for:
7. any misfortune, obligation, cost, cost or harm endured or brought about emerging out of or regarding any entrance to or utilization of this Website or any of its substance;
8. any dependence on, or choice made based on, data or material appeared on or discarded from this Website;
9. any portrayal or generally in regard of the presence or accessibility of any activity, opening, task or other commitment or arrangement promoted on this Website (assuming any) and any portrayal or generally that we have or will request an applicant’s data, will or have requested to meeting or contract a competitor, or that any hopefuls will address our issues;
10. any issue influencing this Website or any of its substance caused by conditions past our sensible control;
11. the execution of this Website and any blame, deferrals, interferences or absence of accessibility of this Website and any of the administrations or items gave through this Website, which may happen because of expanded use of this Website, irregular disappointments of this Website or the requirement for fixes, upkeep or the presentation of new offices, items or administrations;
12. any data or material on any site worked by an outsider which might be gotten to from this Website.
In no occasion will our gatherings be mindful or at risk for any cases, harms, liabilities, misfortunes, expenses or costs of any sort, whether immediate or aberrant, important, compensatory, accidental, genuine, commendable, corrective or unique (counting harms for loss of business, incomes, benefits, information, utilize, generosity or other immaterial misfortunes) paying little heed to whether the our gatherings have been instructed regarding the likelihood of such harms, liabilities, misfortunes, expenses or costs, emerging out of or regarding:
13. the utilize or execution of this site;
14. any arrangement of or inability to give this site or its administrations (counting without restriction any connections on our site);
15. any data accessible from this site;
16. any direct or substance of any outsider;
17. unauthorized access, utilize or change of the transmission of information or substance to or from us;
18. the inability to get in any capacity the transmission of any information, substance, assets or property from you. In no conditions will the total obligation of our gatherings emerging under these terms surpass $5.00 usd.
All cases emerging out of or identifying with these terms will be disputed solely in the courts and we and you agree to individual locale in those courts. These terms control the connection among us and you. They don’t make any outsider recipient rights.
In the event that you don’t consent to these terms, and we don’t make a move immediately, this doesn’t imply that we are surrendering any rights that we may have, (for example, making a move later on).
In the event that for reasons unknown, a specific term isn’t enforceable, the term will be adjusted with the end goal that it is enforceable and this won’t influence some other terms contained in this.
On the off chance that you have any inquiries in regards to these terms, if you don’t mind get in touch with us at [email protected] .