Since ancient times, the Peach has been a symbol of youth and immortality. The peach fruit symbolizes the continuous process of life renewal. 10 years ago, one of our founders decided to make a peach part of our logo
What are the priority areas of your project?
The main area of our project is the development of Global Longevity Labs. The laboratory’s mission is to restore cellular health and resilience through cellular rejuvenation to reverse diseases, injuries and disorders that can occur throughout life.
How do you help develop other projects that deal with longevity issues?
Since 2015, Global Longevity Metaverse has been actively involved in the development of many projects – here are some of them:
– Young Scientists from South America are exploring Mitophagy, which reduces activation of the cytosolic mtDNA-dependent Inflammatory response cGAS/STING during aging
– In Central America we are helping a startup to study Pleiotropy and factors of interaction with diseases
– Immunological aspects of central neurodegeneration are being studied in Spain with our financial support
– We help specialists from France to study problems in the field of Aging and Cancer
– Computer modeling of gene networks associated with aging is successfully studied in Belgium with our help
– Portuguese scientists are studying cyclic overexpression of Yamanaka factors in vivo with our financial support
– Together with other investors, we are participating in the financing of an American project to develop human organs using embryo models and chimeras
– Recently started funding a very promising study on Rejuvenation of aged stem cells (therapeutic strategies for prolonging health and lifespan)
– Together with our Chinese partners, we are actively funding research on Small Extracellular Vesicles from Young Plasma, which reverse age-related functional impairment by improving mitochondrial energy metabolism.
– Previously, we also took part in the organization of the Global Longevity Institute and the Liver Longevity Project, which are successfully developing in Eastern Europe.
It is very important to separately explain that all projects that we finance and help develop are absolutely independent and autonomous organizations. Global Longevity Metaverse in this case acts as a classic decentralized network blockchain ecosystem, which allows all participants to achieve their goals and objectives in a decentralized network. This is the basis for the safe and reliable operation of Global Longevity Metaverse by the blockchain type.
Who and how provides funding?
Our project is fully funded by Global Longevity Science Foundation. It is possible that in the future we will consider funding from other sources. But now the financial capabilities of the Foundation are sufficient for the full-fledged work of the Global Longevity Metaverse
Who are the founders of Global Longevity Metaverse?
Both of our founders are successful businessmen in the field of international energy trade, engaged in stock trading and development activities. But most importantly, they have long been financing the development of scientific projects and research on longevity.