Mustard powder and health benefits
When applied topically irritating mustard powder`s action is widely used in the form of hot baths as a means of distraction, causing redistribution of blood (for example, bronchitis and pneumonia), and then person must be covered with a blanket.
Similarly, mustard powder is used for the local baths (foot). In this case, the bath temperature should be 39-40° C. Duration of treatment: 10 minutes. Mustard baths improve blood circulation, eases breathing, promote expectoration. The maximum duration of taking baths -10 days.
Mustard compress (1 tsp. of powder in a glass of warm water) used in pediatric practice in addition to mustard compress for colds. Compress is applied on the 1-10 minutes.
Mustard powder mixed with honey, and mixed on a white lily flowers decoction is used externally for freckles.
To improve the stomach`s work it is recommended to chew mustard powder. A weak solution of mustard powder, ingested, acting laxative and is used for constipation.
Mustard powder is used in phytocosmetics: oily hair can be washed with mustard 1 tbsp. of mustard powder is poured by 400 ml of warm water, thoroughly mixed, the mixture is applied to the hair and skin lightly rubbed and rinsed after 2-3 minutes.
For baldness: mustard powder thoroughly stirred into warm (not above 60° C) water and the resulting slurry should be lubricated baldness parts until intense burning. Then wash off the mustard. The procedure is repeated daily. If within a month the hair will not grow, the further use of mustard is not advisable.
To eliminate pigmentation: mustard powder is poured with water, stir until the consistency of pulp and lubricate pigmented skin. After the appearance of intense burning, mustard is washed and the skin is wiped dry. The procedure is carried out in a day. Course – 10 sessions.
Contraindications: dilated blood skin vessels and facial hirsutism in women. Preparations of mustard contraindicated in inflammation of the kidneys and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Mustard powder is used as an excellent cleaner for washing and cleaning dishes and removing greasy stains when washing wool and silk.
Because mustard perfectly emulsifies fats, greasy dishes are washed by it.
Mustard powder has been successfully used in home canning. Besides antiseptic action it gives the product a specific taste, flavor and smell.
Mustard powder – is a great natural preservative and antiseptic, it is used: – to prepare the mustard – for filling sauces, soups, hash – to increase the shelf life of preservation.
Mustard powder is also used as an insecticide: it effectively influences the leaf-eating insects. This is – an eco-clean product for pest control in the garden because it has strong antibacterial properties and influences disinfecting on agents of some plant diseases.
Mustard powder is used in neuritis, neuralgia, sciatica, bronchitis, severe hypothermia, for the prevention of colds, hypertension, rheumatism. In chronic rhinitis, colds, flu, healers recommend to pour mustard powder in stockings or socks and go like that a few days.