Amazing health benefitsFiber from ground amaranth seeds is a product of increased biological value and a product of special dietary use. It is well absorbed and saturates the body with valuable nutrients.
Fiber of amaranth seeds is distinguished by a well-balanced amino acid composition. Lysine, which is a part of its composition, has high antiviral properties. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the heart and circulatory system. With the help of lysine, enzymes and hormones are synthesized. The formation of antibodies occurs with its participation. Methionine, contained in the amaranth seeds` fiber, protects the body from the destructive effect of salts of heavy metals and radiation. Tryptophan, present in this cellulose, normalizes metabolic processes in the human body.
Fiber, which amaranth seeds are rich in, in combination with other trace elements, is indispensable for the treatment of obesity and the fight against excess weight. With its help, cholesterol is excreted from the body, the intestines are cleared, fats are split. The fibers in the fiber absorb the bad cholesterol, thus preventing it from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of blood clots and cholesterol plaques, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and stroke. A large amount of plant fiber allows you to satiate and satisfy hunger faster for a longer period, which in turn allows you to eat less food and, accordingly, get fewer calories.
Amazing health benefitsIt is recommended to use it as a dietary supplement to the diet. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract, helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, for improving the immune system, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots, improves the functioning of the liver, for the prevention of thyroid diseases, as an obligatory element in the diet of pregnant women, with diabetes.
The most important components of cellulose from hemp seeds are essential higher fatty acids: OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. With diabetes, OMEGA-3 improves the action of insulin and protects the body from the onset and development of diabetes. This not only improves the perception of insulin, but reduces the cholesterol in the blood.
Fiber provides the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Absorbing all the excess that accumulated in the body for many years, cellulose has a cleansing effect for our body.
Fiber promotes more complete digestion of food and normalizes the intestinal microflora. Fiber is recommended for people who are overweight and obese for normalization and weight correction. Such people use fiber to replace food, washing it down with a fairly large amount of water.
It is possible and useful to add fiber to the composition of any dishes. Vegetable fiber is an indispensable unique product: it’s a daily meal and a healthy bread substitute, in the cellulose there is no yeast and white flour. Great for breading.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to individual components.
The use of vegetable fiber from ground hemp seeds
The seeds of hemp have recently attracted increasing attention, both from scientists and from adherents of healthy nutrition. Scientists have already made many discoveries, proving the numerous advantages of hemp seeds and their health benefits. Even in ancient China the hemp was grown, there it was considered not a narcotic, but a remedy.
Seeds of hemp are absolutely safe, because Psychotropic substances (cannabis) are found only in the inflorescences and in its leaves.
Healing properties of cannabis seeds have a wide range of effects on the human body and are of great benefit. In the seeds of hemp there is a high concentration of biologically active substances, minerals and vitamins, bioflavonoids, antioxidants and amino acids, irreplaceable higher polyunsaturated fatty acids was found. Hemp seeds are especially rich in the irreplaceable higher polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 are present in the seeds of hemp in the optimal ratio, which creates their ideal balance in the human body.
In addition, the seeds of hemp have an extremely high level of content of Arginine.
Macro- and micro elements are contained in hemp seeds: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, manganese, copper.
Vitamin composition of cannabis seeds: vitamins of group B (B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9), E, C, A, beta-carotene.
Hemp seeds are also rich in chlorophyll.
The hemp seeds contains 18 amino acids.
The uniqueness of hemp proteins is that its seeds contain 65% GLOBULINA, and also include a large number of ALBUMIN. This is the highest index in plants. The proteins of hemp seed GLOBULIN and ALBUMIN are similar to the corresponding proteins of human blood. GLOBULIN is responsible for the immunity of a person against the invasion of other organisms. Our body uses GLOBULIN for the production of antibodies that fight against bacteria and viruses. In this regard, hemp seeds are recommended not only to maintain and strengthen immunity, but also they can help people suffering from the disease of immune deficiency.
Hemp seeds DO NOT CONTAIN the protein GLUTEN, so they can take a worthy place in the diet of patients with CELIACIA (a disease in which the use of cereals containing gluten: wheat, rye, oats and barley is contraindicated).
– Useful properties of hemp seeds
– Seeds of hemp have a curative effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems, beneficially affect the endocrine glands, stimulate the organs of the genitourinary system, improve the state of the nervous system.
– The seeds of hemp normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, have an enveloping property, thereby protecting the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from damage by rough food.
– Seeds of hemp inhibit the development of diseases of the biliary tract and liver.
– Hemp seeds activate the process of regulation of the normal hemoglobin level, so the cellulose of hemp seeds is used for preventive and complex treatment of anemia (reduction of hemoglobin in the blood).
– Seeds of hemp inhibit the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis of blood vessels, and magnesium and potassium contained in them, strengthen the muscles of the heart.
– Seeds of hemp have bactericidal anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic properties. In this regard, are an effective tool for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system.
– Hemp seeds have a beneficial effect on concentration of attention, improve memory, increase mental and physical performance, are a good remedy for insomnia and stress.
– Hemp seeds have analgesic and diuretic properties. In this regard, traditional medicine uses hemp seeds to treat the urinary system.
– In dietary nutrition, the cellulose of hemp seeds is used to reduce excess weight, treat obesity and diabetes.
– Thanks to the use of ground hemp seeds, the peristalsis of the intestine is activated, and the body clears from toxins and toxins.
– Eating the fiber of hemp seeds facilitates the condition of men with prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, infertility. With the preventive use of ground hemp seeds, the risk of these diseases decreases.
– When eating ground hemp, the production of breast milk in breastfeeding women is enhanced.
– Included in the composition of hemp seeds, gamma-linolenic acids help women cope with postmenstrual syndrome.
– The use of hemp seeds in food has a beneficial effect on the skin, preserving its elasticity, on the hair and nails.
– In folk medicine, hemp seeds are used to treat skin diseases (dermatoses, eczema).
– Recent studies of scientists confirm the usefulness of the application of hemp seeds in the treatment of cancer.
The range of application of ground hemp seeds is wide and varied. Due to its medicinal properties, the cellulose of hemp seeds is a useful and effective additive to food literally to all people. Its use greatly improves health and longevity.
Hemp seeds are rightfully assigned to a group of super-useful food products. They differ rich in nutrient composition and are completely absorbed by the human body.
Ground hemp seeds are considered to be one of the most useful and valuable dietary products that can be included in your diet every day and which are both a curative and a useful food.
Especially the healing properties of cannabis seeds are valued by people who run a healthy lifestyle, those who are accustomed to eating consciously.
Amazing health benefitsIt is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to normalize lipid exchange and cholesterol level in blood, to improve the overall state of the body, to normalize prostate function, for prevention of the cardiovascular and nervous system, to normalize digestion and GI tract function, to remove toxic substances from the body, for people who suffer from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of body weight. People who are overweight, it can replace the main meal, washing it down with a lot of water.
It is possible and useful to add fiber into the main dishes. Plant fiber is the indispensable unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. Great for breading.
Use for food: adults and children from 12 years: 1 teaspoon (5g) twice a day with meals, drink water.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the particular components.
The benefits of ground pumpkin seeds` fiber
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to normalize lipid exchange and cholesterol level in blood, to improve the overall state of the body, to normalize prostate function, for prevention of the cardiovascular and nervous system, to normalize digestion and GI tract function, to remove toxic substances from the body, to regulate the function of the reproductive system, for the normalization of spermatogenesis and ovarian cycle, to prevent gallstones, to prevent progress of inflammatory processes of the genitals, as antiparasitic and anthelmintic drug, for people suffering from overweight and obesity, and for normalizing and correction of body weight.
Fiber gently removes hangover. Unlike traditional tools used for this purpose, fiber not only quickly improves health, but also absorbs poisons and decay products, causing hangover.
Getting into the stomach, fiber swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances from the body, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia. Fiber helps to better digestion and normalize gut microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. People who are overweight can use it as substitute of the main meal, washing it down with a lot of water.
Plant fiber is the indispensable unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. It is possible and useful to add fiber into the main dishes.
Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, fiber absorbs everything that has accumulated in our gut for many years. And there is a lot of accumulated: the average person because of layers on the walls of the large intestine, its diameter narrows 2-3 times. These layers (fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc.) are absorbed and removed from the body by fiber. Cleansing the body from toxic substances, fiber removes nitrates which entered the body with fruits and vegetables.
The fiber contains a unique microelement importance of which is only now getting started to be realized by science. It`s – silicon, sending and receiving impulses of the brain.
Silicon has the ability to “stick” to itself viruses and pathogens, unusual for a man, which are removed then from the body. The selecting “gluing” ability of colloidal silica systems, is unique. Influenza viruses, hepatitis, arthritis, rheumatism and other microorganisms that cause pathology are sucked into colloidal silicon formations by electrical force of attraction, both in the blood and the GI tract.
Effect of fiber on a man’s weight is caused by its effects on metabolism. It is a metabolic disorder leads to increased weight. Fiber does not burn fat but eliminates the very reason – violation of the metabolic processes in the body. That is why people who have overweight, lose the weight and skinny people on the contrary get the optimal weight.
If you like to eat excessively – do not forget to add to your food fiber: its digestion requires more energy than usual. On average, you will lose 150 calories a day, not applying to this absolutely no effort. Exactly as we lose during 20-minute jog.
Fiber – it`s not a medicine, which is no longer taken after recovery. It should become part of your lifestyle – your daily meals (even in small amounts) and your healthy habit. After all, if we inevitably litter the body a little each day, then there must be a means, for every day cleaning it.
Insufficient use of fiber in the diet of people, has led to a significant increase of patients` number with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory diseases of the colon.
There is evidence of the protective effect of fiber in coronary heart disease, gallstones, diabetes, obesity. Therefore, the use of fiber as a cleaning agent to the body is reasonable as a preventing mean.
Fiber absorbs and retains water and regulates the motor activity of the bowels, intracolonic pressure, creates feeling of satiety, facilitates the acceptability of low-calorie diets, and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
In the bread, during its prolonged heat treatment manufacture, die most vitamins. The content of vitamins in white flour – is negligible. Yeast contained in bread, cause fermentation processes, leading to bowel disease.
Fiber is an alternative to bread – thermal treatment lasts seconds so vitamins virtually don`t die and yeast are completely absent. All this makes the fiber healthy substitute for bread, food for sober-minded people aware of imminent retribution for their ignorance in matters of food.
Pectin contained in the plant fiber, called “a medicine against the harmful effects of the city”. Pectins are natural polysaccharides contained in almost all plants.
Pectin reduces cholesterol in the body, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, improves peripheral circulation and peristalsis.
However, their most valuable property is that they have the ability to clean alive organisms from harmful substances. And this natural “cleaner” works very effectively, without leaving any “garbage” and thus not disrupting bacterial balance. Pectins remove toxic metal ions, pesticides and radionuclides. Therefore pectins are used as a prophylactic means in a harmful environment saturated with heavy metals, radioactive substances and nitrates.
In the process of digestion pectin turns into acid, which combines with heavy metals and radionuclides, resulting in formation of insoluble salts, which are not absorbed by the mucous of the GI tract and under the influence of fiber, rapidly removes from the body.
Neither pectin nor cellulose can be digested in the stomach, both do not turn into fat deposits, but clean, absorb and excrete everything unnecessary and harmful. It takes 2-3 months to cleanse the body by receiving fiber.
The structure of the ground pumpkin seeds fiber
Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is unique in its structure. It contains a lot of the necessary for the human body substances. First of all, it is extremely useful and perfectly digestible by the human protein. Its share in such fiber reaches 40%.
Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is called pharmacy in miniature, because a small amount of this product contains daily norm of minerals and amino acids necessary for an adult. So:
– Unsaturated fats: Omega-3, Omega-6;
– Vitamins: A vitamin, B (B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9) group vitamins, C vitamin, F vitamin, E vitamin, P vitamin, K vitamin, T vitamin;
– Amino acids: essential: Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Phenylalanine; a conditionally essential amino acids: arginine, cysteine; Interchangeable: glycine, glutamine;
– Phytosterols;
– Flavonoids;
– Phospholipids;
– Chlorophyll;
– Cucurbitin;
– Micro and macro elements: Ground pumpkin seeds fiber – a rich source of minerals, it contains more than 50 micro-and macro. Here is the most important of them: Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Fiber.
Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is a product containing a small amount of fat, but is rich in protein. It is a natural protein-vitamin-mineral complex needed by the human`s body for a full life, besides it`s absolutely all-natural, balanced and easily digestible.
The benefits of ground pumpkin seeds fiber in the medical treatment and prevention of diseases
Ground pumpkin seeds fiber, no doubts, is a very healthy product. Due to its unique composition, it will be useful not only for healthy people, but also can help people suffering from the following diseases and, of course, as part of a treatment:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, A, C and E vitamins, and macroelement magnesium have beneficial effect on blood vessel walls: strengthen the vessel walls, increase their flexibility, prevent progress of inflammatory processes. Vitamins B4 and E, phytosterols, magnesium and zinc help to lower blood cholesterol level. Vitamin K and potassium – known regulators of blood coagulation. Besides, Ground pumpkin seeds fiber if used regularly helps to normalize blood pressure.
It is recommended to use such fiber in the diet of patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stenocardia and the ones who had heart attack or stroke.
Metabolic diseases. Ground pumpkin seeds fiber, if used regularly as food supplement, helps to better fat metabolism and, in the end, prevents the progress of obesity. Fiber, as is well known, slows the absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, the ground pumpkin seeds fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar level. furthermore, it contains a number of amino acids and trace elements, which promote the synthesis of natural insulin by the pancreas.
Thus, regular consumption of ground pumpkin seeds fiber enables to reduce the dose of antidiabetic drugs for patients with type II diabetes. It is recommended to include a dietary fiber if having obesity.
Anemia. Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is rich in vitamins B, C and E, trace elements zinc and iron, as well as chlorophyll, involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is recommended to regularly include this product in the diet of patients with anemia and as a prevention of this disease.
Diseases of the digestive system. The active ingredients of the ground pumpkin seeds fiber have a very healthy effect on all organs of the digestive tract.
It is recommended to include it in the daily diet of patients having gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, esophagitis, dysbiosis, as well as for the prevention of these diseases. This fiber has a mild laxative effect and contains dietary fiber, so it can be recommended for those who have constipation and meteorism.
Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The ground pumpkin seeds fiber contains amino acids arginine, methionine and threonine, which have a strong hepatoprotective action and prevent the progress of liver fatty infiltration.
It`s recommended to use such fiber for people suffering from cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, fatty liver, alcoholic and viral hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis.
Cleansing the body. Regular consumption of ground pumpkin seeds fiber will be sort of “spring cleaning.” This product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, methionine and, of course, fiber. They will remove toxins, salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances, accumulated in the human body. And cucurbitin take care of parasites` removing.
Diseases of the nervous system. As part of the ground pumpkin seeds fiber there is B vitamin, magnesium, flavonoids and amino acids glycine, glutamine, phenylalanine, which have beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Regular consumption of the product improves mood, betters sleep, apathy and depression disappear.
It is recommended to include the ground pumpkin seeds fiber in the diet of people with various neurological disorders, alcoholism, apathy, depression, insomnia.
Diseases of female genitalia. Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is a natural protein-vitamin-mineral complexes, also has anti-inflammatory action. It is recommended to include this product in the diet for all gynecological diseases, infertility.
Diseases of male genitalia. It is recommended to regularly include ground pumpkin seeds fiber to the diet for prostate cancer, prostatitis, male infertility, impotence, as an additional source for the male body of the necessary amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.
Diseases of the excretory system. The active ingredients of the ground pumpkin seeds fiber also has a positive effect on the human urinary system, providing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is advised to use for diseases of the kidney, bladder and urethra.
Circulatory system diseases. Ground pumpkin seeds fiber has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergic effect, as well as is an additional source of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to regularly use this product in the diet of people with dermatological diseases: seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, diathesis, hyperkeratosis, acne, herpes sores.
Regular consumption of ground pumpkin seeds fiber in food reduces the risk of chronic and allergic diseases. We can recommend the use of this product as a preventive means and as complex treatment of respiratory organ diseases, eye, mouth.
Undoubtedly, this the most valuable product is useful also for healthy people as a natural protein-vitamin-mineral complex. Regularly used, ground pumpkin seeds fiber promotes strengthening the memory, increases attention, increases physical and mental capacity, nervous strain and stress relief.
It is recommended to include the ground pumpkin seeds fiber in the diet of athletes, since the components of this product help to increase muscle mass, are an excellent source of energy for muscle cells, affect the strength and speed of muscle contraction.
This valuable nutritional product is also useful for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who underwent surgery and the weakened ones by disease. Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is a great means of winter-spring avitaminosis prevention.
The use of ground pumpkin seeds fiber
As the medicinal and prophylactic purposes it`s recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons ground pumpkin seeds fiber mixed with water or any sour milk drink, drinking yogurt, sour milk, fermented baked milk, etc. in the morning and evening. The course is 2-4 weeks. These courses are better to take 3-4 times a year.
The use of ground pumpkin seeds fiber in home cosmetology. It is worth noting that the regular consumption of ground pumpkin seeds fiber as food has beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails condition. To enhance the effect, you can make creams and masks with it as addition. Make masks with the addition of ground pumpkin seeds fiber on a regular basis, and your skin will acquire elasticity, acne and pimples will disappear. Hair masks with such fiber will save you from dandruff, give hair volume and natural shine.
The use of ground pumpkin seeds fiber in cooking. We must remember that the ground pumpkin seeds fiber – is first of all – foodstuff. Its use in cooking helps to diversify your menu, make healthy and tasty dishes.
We recommend adding ground pumpkin seeds fiber to the dough in home-baked cooking: 100-150 grams of fiber for 1 kg of wheat or rye flour. Your pastry, made of such dough will always be surprisingly fluffy and will have unusual yellowish color, moreover – it does not get stale and moldy for much longer. If your baking is also not exposed to prolonged heat treatment (rolls, small muffins, pancakes, muffins, rolls for thin biscuits, cookies …), then the ground pumpkin seeds fiber saves almost all its nutrients.
It is useful to add ground pumpkin seeds fiber into the ready-made porridge, soups. Can be used as a thickener agent in cocktails, sauces, jelly, and creams.
Ground pumpkin seeds fiber is perfectly matched with sour milk products. It gives them a golden yellow hue and a pleasant taste and aroma.
Including ground pumpkin seeds fiber to the diet, you “kill two birds with one stone” at once: it`s diversification of your menu, with no extra effort from your, on one hand, and getting priceless health benefits.
Contraindications for use of ground pumpkin seeds fiber
Contraindications for use of ground pumpkin seeds fiber is only individual intolerance to the product. However, people suffering from cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, should consult a doctor before use of the product.
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet for the normalization of the GI tract, as an additional source of plant protein, for high level of cholesterol in blood, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, disorders of the genitourinary system, reducing the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels and muscle activity, liver damage, lowered immunity, and excessive body weight. Getting into the stomach, peanut fiber swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances, toxins, excess of cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia from the body. Due to the presence of pectin there is a process of mucosa`s protection from pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms.Fiber promotes more complete digestion. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for normalization and correction of weight. Such people can replace main meal with fiber, washing it down with a lot of water.
It is possible and healthy to add fiber to any dishes. Plant fibers is an indispensable unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. Great for breading.
Serving: adults and children from 12 years: 1 teaspoon (5g) twice a day with meals, washing it down with water.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the its components.
The benefits of ground peanut kernels fiber
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet for the normalization of the GI tract, as an additional source of plant protein, for high level of cholesterol in blood, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, disorders of the genitourinary system, for decrease of the blood vessel walls elasticity and muscle activity, in case of damage liver, decreased immunity and excessive body weight, for recreation and better sleep, to prevent the formation of blood clots, to strengthen memory, attention and hearing.
Fiber gently removes hangover. Unlike traditional means used for this purpose, fiber not only quickly amends health, but also absorbs poisons and decay products, causing hangover.
Getting into the stomach, fiber swells and acquires the ability to absorb and excrete toxic substances, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia. Due to the presence of pectin is the process of protecting the mucosa from pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms. Fiber helps more complete digestion and normalizes intestinal microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. Such people can replace a main meal with fiber, washing it down with big amount of water.
Plant fiber is a unique indispensable product. It is a daily food and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. It is possible and healthy to add fiber to any dishes.
Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, fiber absorbs everything that has accumulated in our gut for many years. And there is a lot of accumulated: the average person because of layers on the walls of the large intestine, its diameter narrows 2-3 times. These layers (fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc.) are absorbed and removed from the body by fiber. Cleansing the body from toxic substances, fiber removes nitrates which entered the body with fruits and vegetables.
The fiber contains a unique microelement importance of which is only now getting started to be realized by science. It`s – silicon, sending and receiving impulses of the brain.
Silicon has the ability to “stick” to itself viruses and pathogens, unusual for a man, which are removed then from the body. The selecting “gluing” ability of colloidal silica systems, is unique. Influenza viruses, hepatitis, arthritis, rheumatism and other microorganisms that cause pathology are sucked into colloidal silicon formations by electrical force of attraction, both in the blood and the GI tract.
Effect of fiber on a man’s weight is caused by its effects on metabolism. It is a metabolic disorder leads to increased weight. Fiber does not burn fat but eliminates the very reason – violation of the metabolic processes in the body. That is why people who have overweight, lose the weight and skinny people on the contrary get the optimal weight.
If you like to eat excessively – do not forget to add to your food fiber: its digestion requires more energy than usual. On average, you will lose 150 calories a day, not applying to this absolutely no effort. Exactly as we lose during 20-minute jog.
Fiber – it`s not a medicine, which is no longer taken after recovery. It should become part of your lifestyle – your daily meals (even in small amounts) and your healthy habit. After all, if we inevitably litter the body a little each day, then there must be a means, for every day cleaning it.
Insufficient use of fiber in the diet of people, has led to a significant increase of patients` number with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory diseases of the colon.
There is evidence of the protective effect of fiber in coronary heart disease, gallstones, diabetes, obesity. Therefore, the use of fiber as a cleaning agent to the body is reasonable as a preventing mean.
Fiber absorbs and retains water and regulates the motor activity of the bowels, intracolonic pressure, creates feeling of satiety, facilitates the acceptability of low-calorie diets, and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
In the bread, during its prolonged heat treatment manufacture, die most vitamins. The content of vitamins in white flour – is negligible. Yeast contained in bread, cause fermentation processes, leading to bowel disease.
Fiber is an alternative to bread – thermal treatment lasts seconds so vitamins virtually don`t die and yeast are completely absent. All this makes the fiber healthy substitute for bread, food for sober-minded people aware of imminent retribution for their ignorance in matters of food.
Pectin contained in the plant fiber, called “a medicine against the harmful effects of the city”. Pectins are natural polysaccharides contained in almost all plants.
Pectin reduces cholesterol in the body, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, improves peripheral circulation and peristalsis.
However, their most valuable property is that they have the ability to clean alive organisms from harmful substances. And this natural “cleaner” works very effectively, without leaving any “garbage” and thus not disrupting bacterial balance. Pectins remove toxic metal ions, pesticides and radionuclides. Therefore pectins are used as a prophylactic means in a harmful environment saturated with heavy metals, radioactive substances and nitrates.
In the process of digestion pectin turns into acid, which combines with heavy metals and radionuclides, resulting in formation of insoluble salts, which are not absorbed by the mucous of the GI tract and under the influence of fiber, rapidly removes from the body.
Neither pectin nor cellulose can be digested in the stomach, both do not turn into fat deposits, but clean, absorb and excrete everything unnecessary and harmful. It takes 2-3 months to cleanse the body by receiving fiber.
It is recommended to normalize the metabolism, improve the processes of digestion and the functional state of the liver. Milk thistle seeds have a choleretic, anti-sclerotic, wound-healing, regenerating effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects liver cells from infections and toxins. Milk thistle is used for intoxication and poisoning, diabetes, toxicosis in pregnant women, in case of obesity, immunodeficiency, as well as in cardiovascular diseases and vision loss.
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet for diseases of the liver, for the normalization of the GI tract, with reduced immunity, as a source of flavolignans. Presence of silymarin, which has hepatoprotective characteristics determines advisability of using ground milk thistle seeds fiber to improve liver function. E vitamin (tocopherol), contained in the seeds of milk thistle is a powerful natural antioxidant that inhibits the action of free radicals and thus prevents premature aging of the organism.
Milk thistle seeds contain at least 4-6% silymarin, complex polyunsaturated fatty acids – at least 21%, biogenic amines, vitamins: C, E, K, macro and micro elements. Getting into the stomach, fiber from the seeds of milk thistle swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances from the body, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia.
Fiber helps to better digestion and normalize gut microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. Such people can use fiber as substitute of the main meal, washing it down with a big amount of water.
It is possible and useful to add fiber into the main dishes. Plant fiber is the indispensable unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. Great for breading.
Use for food: adults and children starting from 12 years: 1 teaspoon (5g) twice a day with meal, wash down with water.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the particular components.
The benefits of ground milk thistle seeds` fiber
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement nutrition for liver disease, to improve liver function, for alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver diabetes, to normalize GI tract, for inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere, hemorrhoids , diabetes, diseases of the duodenum.
Fiber gently removes hangover. Unlike traditional tools used for this purpose, fiber not only quickly improves health, but also absorbs poisons and decay products, causing hangover.
Presence of silymarin, which has hepatoprotective characteristics determines advisability of using ground milk thistle seeds fiber to improve liver function.
E vitamin (tocopherol), contained in the seeds of milk thistle is a powerful natural antioxidant that inhibits the action of free radicals and thus prevents premature aging of the organism. Milk thistle seeds contain at least 4-6% silymarin, complex polyunsaturated fatty acids – at least 21%, biogenic amines, vitamins: C, E, K, macro and micro elements.
Getting into the stomach, fiber from the seeds of milk thistle swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances from the body, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia.
Fiber helps to better digestion and normalize gut microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. Such people can use fiber as substitute of the main meal, washing it down with a big amount of water.
Plant fiber is a unique indispensable product. It is a daily food and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. It is possible and healthy to add fiber to any dishes.
Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, fiber absorbs everything that has accumulated in our gut for many years. And there is a lot of accumulated: the average person because of layers on the walls of the large intestine, its diameter narrows 2-3 times. These layers (fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc.) are absorbed and removed from the body by fiber. Cleansing the body from toxic substances, fiber removes nitrates which entered the body with fruits and vegetables.
The fiber contains a unique microelement importance of which is only now getting started to be realized by science. It`s – silicon, sending and receiving impulses of the brain.
Silicon has the ability to “stick” to itself viruses and pathogens, unusual for a man, which are removed then from the body. The selecting “gluing” ability of colloidal silica systems, is unique. Influenza viruses, hepatitis, arthritis, rheumatism and other microorganisms that cause pathology are sucked into colloidal silicon formations by electrical force of attraction, both in the blood and the GI tract.
Effect of fiber on a man’s weight is caused by its effects on metabolism. It is a metabolic disorder leads to increased weight. Fiber does not burn fat but eliminates the very reason – violation of the metabolic processes in the body. That is why people who have overweight, lose the weight and skinny people on the contrary get the optimal weight.
If you like to eat excessively – do not forget to add to your food fiber: its digestion requires more energy than usual. On average, you will lose 150 calories a day, not applying to this absolutely no effort. Exactly as we lose during 20-minute jog.
Fiber – it`s not a medicine, which is no longer taken after recovery. It should become part of your lifestyle – your daily meals (even in small amounts) and your healthy habit. After all, if we inevitably litter the body a little each day, then there must be a means, for every day cleaning it.
Insufficient use of fiber in the diet of people, has led to a significant increase of patients` number with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory diseases of the colon.
There is evidence of the protective effect of fiber in coronary heart disease, gallstones, diabetes, obesity. Therefore, the use of fiber as a cleaning agent to the body is reasonable as a preventing mean.
Fiber absorbs and retains water and regulates the motor activity of the bowels, intracolonic pressure, creates feeling of satiety, facilitates the acceptability of low-calorie diets, and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
In the bread, during its prolonged heat treatment manufacture, die most vitamins. The content of vitamins in white flour – is negligible. Yeast contained in bread, cause fermentation processes, leading to bowel disease.
Fiber is an alternative to bread – thermal treatment lasts seconds so vitamins virtually don`t die and yeast are completely absent. All this makes the fiber healthy substitute for bread, food for sober-minded people aware of imminent retribution for their ignorance in matters of food.
Pectin contained in the plant fiber, called “a medicine against the harmful effects of the city”. Pectins are natural polysaccharides found in almost all plants.
Pectin reduces cholesterol in the body, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, improves peripheral circulation and peristalsis. However, their most valuable property is that they have the ability to clean alive organisms from harmful substances. And this natural “cleaner” works very effectively, without leaving any “garbage” and thus not disrupting bacterial balance. Pectins remove toxic metal ions, pesticides and radionuclides. Therefore pectins are used as a prophylactic means in a harmful environment saturated with heavy metals, radioactive substances and nitrates.
In the process of digestion pectin turns into acid, which combines with heavy metals and radionuclides, resulting in formation of insoluble salts, which are not absorbed by the mucous of the GI tract and under the influence of fiber, rapidly removes from the body.
Neither pectin nor cellulose can be digested in the stomach, both do not turn into fat deposits, but clean, absorb and excrete everything unnecessary and harmful. It takes 2-3 months to cleanse the body by receiving fiber.
Flour of milk thistle contains whole complex of mineral substances for organism.
The active ingredients of milk thistle have hepatoprotective action: amend the metabolic processes in the liver, increasing its resistance to adverse conditions; accelerate the regeneration of liver cells after its damage, toxic effects and infectious diseases. They interact with free radicals in the liver and convert them into less toxic compounds interrupting the process of lipid peroxidation, prevent the further destruction of cell structures. In damaged hepatocytes they stimulate the synthesis of the structural and functional proteins and phospholipids, stabilize cell membranes.
The structure of the ground milk thistle seeds` fiber
– Fats: polyunsaturated Omega-6, monounsaturated: Omega-9. It should be noted that the fat content of a fiber is small, because the powder is produced from seeds after pressing the oil;
– mono- and disaccharides;
– Carbohydrates – Sources of ” quickboost ofenergy “;
– Flavonoids: Quercetin;
– Flavolignans:Silymarin;
– Carotenoids;
– Chlorophyll;
– Amino acids: histidine, tyramine, alkaloids;
– vitamins: B vitamins, D vitamin, E vitamin, K vitamin;
– Macro and micro elements: aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, chromium, fiber.
The benefits of ground milk thistle seeds` fiber in the medical treatment and prevention of diseases
Regularly used, ground milk thistle seeds` fiber has bactericidal, choleretic, diuretic, immune-stimulating, wound healing, analgesic and anti-allergic effect on the human`s body. This product has been successfully used as a prophylactic agent in the complex treatment of the following diseases:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The active components of ground milk thistle seeds` fiber have very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole. They are used as regulators of heart rate`s strength and rhythm. Some components of the product if regularly gotten into the blood may reduce the “bad” cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaque on blood vessel walls. Regularly using ground milk thistle seeds` fiber as food, you render your blood vessels and heart priceless assistance, because your blood vessels stay clean, their elasticity increases, reduces burden of heart, blood pressure reduces too.
Regular use of the product is recommended as part of complex treatment of the following diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, varicose veins, as well as for variety of inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is advisable to include fiber from the milk thistle seeds in the diet of quite healthy people as a preventive means.
Anemia. The ground milk thistle seeds` fiber is also useful for hematopoiesis. It contains a combination of vitamins, trace elements, and also flavolignansand flavonoids, which take an active part in hemoglobin synthesis in the human`s body.
Diseases of the digestive system. The ground milk thistle seeds` fiber, if regularly used, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The active components of this product can enhance the metabolism in the liver, builds up your organ resistance to the adverse effects of toxins, bacterial and viral infections, alcohol, also promotes the regeneration of damaged liver cells. This fiber has a strong choleretic action.
The ground milk thistle seeds` fiber improves intestinal motility, normalizes its balance of beneficial microflora. Having a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory action, this product is useful if there is a presence of erosive-ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines` mucous membranes.
It is recommended to use ground milk thistle seeds` fiber in the complex treatment and as prevention of the following diseases: gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, holetsistoholangit, cholangitis, hepatic steatosis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis constipation, including chronic, dysbacteriosis. To restore healthy intestinal microflora recommend the use of fiber from the seeds of milk thistle during reception of antibiotics and immediately after a course of antibiotic treatment.
Diseases of the thyroid gland and spleen. The ground milk thistle seeds` fiber contains a complex of substances necessary for normal functioning of vital organs such as the spleen and thyroid.
Respiratory diseases. It is recommended to use the ground milk thistle seeds` fiber in the complex treatment of laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia. In diseases of the throat, along with its intake, it may be recommended rinsing with decoctions and infusions of milk thistle seeds.
Diseases of the joints. The milk thistle seeds` fiber contains of flavonoids, flavolignans, a complex of natural vitamins and minerals. Regular use of this product is able to fight off inflammation in the joints, reduce pain, in addition it stimulates the natural production of collagen, which is needed for the construction of the articular cartilage, synovial joints and ligaments, and promotes the recovery of bone tissue at fractures.
It is recommended to use milk thistle seeds` fiber both in complex treatment and prevention of the following diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, plexitis, sciatica, neuralgia, neuritis. This product is widely used in the treatment of injuries, fractures, bruises and sprains.
Diseases of the urogenital system. Folk medicine has been using the seeds and fiber of milk thistle in the treatment of prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, kidney disease, diseases of the bladder at all times. Components of this product have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic effects.
Eye Diseases. The thistle seeds fiber is composed of a (B, E, D) complex vitamins, micronutrients (zinc, selenium, manganese, magnesium, copper, chrome), and carotenoids, which are converted in the body into vitamin A.
It is recommended to include milk thistle seeds` fiber in the diet as a source of natural substances necessary for the functioning of the organs of vision. 2-3 tsp of such fiber cover daily need of these substances.
Metabolic diseases. It may be recommended for use in diabetes, as fiber, which exactly is the product, prevents rapid flow of glucose into the blood, and the whole complex of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber substances of milk thistle seeds are able to regulate the process of natural production of insulin by the pancreas.
It is recommended to use this product in the fight against overweight and obesity, as the milk thistle seeds` fiber helps to normalize lipid metabolism, improves liver function in general, cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, and stimulates the bowels.
Of course, the milk thistle seeds` fiber is not a medicine, it is first of all food, but the food which is very rich in beneficial to human nutrients. Eating it is advisable also to absolutely healthy people. It is especially recommended to use milk thistle seeds` fiber in the diet of lactating mothers, weakened after a serious illness or surgery, during recovery period, living in big cities or environmentally sensitive areas, employed in manufactures with harmful working conditions at various poisoning.
It is very healthy to use milk thistle seeds` fiber for people undergoing radiation or chemotherapy. In this case, it is recommended to use tea (infusion) of such fiber. It is not only supports your body, but also strengthen the effect of radiation therapy.
The milk thistle seeds` fiber can help in the fight against excess weight. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals, normalizes the intestine, regulates lipid metabolism and helps to burn fat, improves skin, removes excess fluid from the body. You want to have a fine figure – milk thistle seeds` fiber is your best helper!
The milk thistle seeds` fiber is also used in treatment of alcohol and drug addiction, as well as smoking.
The use of milk thistle seeds` fiber
As therapeutic and prophylactic purpose it is recommended to take milk thistle seeds` fiber 1 tbsp. 20 minutes before a meal three times a day. At the same time it should be thoroughly chew, washed down with 1 glass of warm water. The course of treatment 40-50 days, followed by a break, if necessary, repeat the course in 2-3 weeks.
During the course of radiation or chemotherapy it is recommended to drink herbal tea. Infuse 1 tsp fiber in 1 cup of boiling water.
The use of milk thistle seeds` fiber in cooking. Milk thistle seeds` fiber – is extremely rich in mineral substances food. Of course, it can and also must be used as food. The main condition – the percentage of fiber in cooking should not exceed 20%.
The fiber of the milk thistle seeds has a fine texture and a pleasant distinctive taste. Same as any fiber it can be used in baking bread, pancakes, thick pancakes. This fiber can be added to the dough for meat dumplings, dumplings, biscuits or waffles. It goes well with all kinds of porridge. It also makes sense to add fiber into sauces, croquettes or salads.
This product will help you to diversify your menu, but, what is more important, it will make cooked meal the healthy one!
Contraindications to the use of milk thistle seeds` fiber
The main contraindication to the use of milk thistle seeds` fiber is personal intolerance to the product. It should be refrained from by pregnant women and children under 12 years.
Patients with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in the acute stage should consult your doctor before the regular use of milk thistle seeds` fiber.
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet. It normalizes the digestive tract, it helps to reduce cholesterol level in the blood, improves the immune system, used to reduce the likelihood of blood clots, improve the functioning of the liver, to prevent diseases of the thyroid gland as an indispensable element in the diet of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus.The most important components of flax seeds` fiber are indispensible highest fatty acids: Omega-3(34.84%); OMEGA-6 (19.21%); Omega-9 (22.82%). In diabetes Omega-3 improves the action of insulin and protects the body from the emergence and progress of diabetes. This not only improves the perception of insulin, but also decreases blood cholesterol.
Fiber provides work of the entire GI tract. Absorbing all the excess that has accumulated in the body for many years, fiber has a cleansing effect to our body.
Fiber helps more full digestion and normalizes intestinal microflora. Fiber is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. Such people can replace main meal with fiber, washing down it with big amount of water.
It is both possible and healthy to add fiber to any food. Plant fiber is the indispensible unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. Great for breading.
Use: adults and children from 12 years: 1 teaspoon (5g) twice a day with meals, washing it down with water.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the particular components.
The benefits of ground flax seeds` fiber
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet. It normalizes the digestive tract, it helps to reduce cholesterol level in the blood, improves the immune system, improves liver function, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, is the prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland and an indispensable element in the diet of pregnant women. The most important components of flax seeds fiber are irreplaceable higher fatty acids: Omega-3 (34.84%), Omega-6 (19.21%), and Omega-9 (22.82%). In diabetes Omega-3 improves the action of insulin and protects the body from the emergence and development of diabetes. This not only improves the perception of insulin, but also decreases blood cholesterol.
Fiber gently removes hangover. Unlike traditional tools used for this purpose, fiber not only quickly improves health, but also absorbs poisons and decay products, causing hangover.
Getting into the stomach, fiber swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances from the body, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia.
Fiber helps to better digestion and normalize gut microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. People who are overweight can use it as substitute of the main meal, washing it down with a lot of water.
Plant fiber is the indispensable unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. It is possible and useful to add fiber into the main dishes.
Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, fiber absorbs everything that has accumulated in our gut for many years. And there is a lot of accumulated: the average person because of layers on the walls of the large intestine, its diameter narrows 2-3 times. These layers (fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc.) are absorbed and removed from the body by fiber. Cleansing the body from toxic substances, fiber removes nitrates which entered the body with fruits and vegetables.
The fiber contains a unique microelement importance of which is only now getting started to be realized by science. It`s – silicon, sending and receiving impulses of the brain. Silicon has the ability to “stick” to itself viruses and pathogens, unusual for a man, which are removed then from the body. The selecting “gluing” ability of colloidal silica systems, is unique. Influenza viruses, hepatitis, arthritis, rheumatism and other microorganisms that cause pathology are sucked into colloidal silicon formations by electrical force of attraction, both in the blood and the GI tract.
Effect of fiber on a man’s weight is caused by its effects on metabolism. It is a metabolic disorder leads to increased weight. Fiber does not burn fat but eliminates the very reason – violation of the metabolic processes in the body. That is why people who have overweight, lose the weight and skinny people on the contrary get the optimal weight.
If you like to eat excessively – do not forget to add to your food fiber: its digestion requires more energy than usual. On average, you will lose 150 calories a day, not applying to this absolutely no effort. Exactly as we lose during 20-minute jog.
Fiber – it`s not a medicine, which is no longer taken after recovery. It should become part of your lifestyle – your daily meals (even in small amounts) and your healthy habit. After all, if we inevitably litter the body a little each day, then there must be a means, for every day cleaning it.
Insufficient use of fiber in the diet of people, has led to a significant increase of patients` number with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory diseases of the colon.
There is evidence of the protective effect of fiber in coronary heart disease, gallstones, diabetes, obesity. Therefore, the use of fiber as a cleaning agent to the body is reasonable as a preventing mean.
Fiber absorbs and retains water and regulates the motor activity of the bowels, intracolonic pressure, creates feeling of satiety, facilitates the acceptability of low-calorie diets, and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
In the bread, during its prolonged heat treatment manufacture, die most vitamins. The content of vitamins in white flour – is negligible. Yeast contained in bread, cause fermentation processes, leading to bowel disease.
Fiber is an alternative to bread – thermal treatment lasts seconds so vitamins virtually don`t die and yeast are completely absent. All this makes the fiber healthy substitute for bread, food for sober-minded people aware of imminent retribution for their ignorance in matters of food.
Pectin contained in the plant fiber, called “a medicine against the harmful effects of the city”. Pectins are natural polysaccharides contained in almost all plants.
Pectin reduces cholesterol in the body, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, improves peripheral circulation and peristalsis. However, their most valuable property is that they have the ability to clean alive organisms from harmful substances. And this natural “cleaner” works very effectively, without leaving any “garbage” and thus not disrupting bacterial balance. Pectins remove toxic metal ions, pesticides and radionuclides. Therefore pectins are used as a prophylactic means in a harmful environment saturated with heavy metals, radioactive substances and nitrates.
In the process of digestion pectin turns into acid, which combines with heavy metals and radionuclides, resulting in formation of insoluble salts, which are not absorbed by the mucous of the GI tract and under the influence of fiber, rapidly removes from the body.
Neither pectin nor cellulose can be digested in the stomach, both do not turn into fat deposits, but clean, absorb and excrete everything unnecessary and harmful. It takes 2-3 months to cleanse the body by receiving fiber.
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet for the normalization of the GI tract, as an additional source of plant protein, to reduce blood sugar level, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots, to speed up blood clotting, liver diseases, locomotive, nervous and hematopoietic systems, if the level of cholesterol in the blood high. Getting into the stomach, fiber swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances from the body, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia.Fiber helps to better digestion and normalize gut microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. People who are overweight can use it as substitute of the main meal, washing it down with a lot of water.
It is both possible and healthy to add fiber to any food. Plant fiber is the indispensible unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. Great for breading.
Use: adults and children from 12 years: 1 teaspoon (5g) twice a day with meals, washing it down with water.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the particular components.
The benefits of ground sesame seeds` fiber
Ground flax seeds` fiber is both a product of high biological value and special dietary use. It is well absorbed by the body and nourishes the valuable nutrients.
It is recommended to use as a dietary supplement to the diet for the normalization of the GI tract, as an additional source of plant protein, to reduce blood sugar level, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots, to speed up blood clotting, liver diseases, locomotive, nervous and hematopoietic systems, if the level of cholesterol in the blood high, anemia, internal bleeding, to accelerate blood clotting, for hyperthyroidism, for venous congestion.
Fiber gently removes hangover. Unlike traditional tools used for this purpose, fiber not only quickly improves health, but also absorbs poisons and decay products, causing hangover.
Getting into the stomach, fiber swells and acquires the ability to absorb and remove toxic substances from the body, toxins, excess cholesterol, bile pigments and ammonia. Fiber helps to better digestion and normalize gut microflora. It is recommended for people suffering from overweight and obesity for the normalization and correction of weight. People who are overweight can use it as substitute of the main meal, washing it down with a lot of water.
Plant fiber is the indispensable unique product: a daily meal and healthy substitute for bread, because there is no white flour and yeast in the fiber. It is possible and useful to add fiber into the main dishes.
Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, fiber absorbs everything that has accumulated in our gut for many years. And there is a lot of accumulated: the average person because of layers on the walls of the large intestine, its diameter narrows 2-3 times. These layers (fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc.) are absorbed and removed from the body by fiber. Cleansing the body from toxic substances, fiber removes nitrates which entered the body with fruits and vegetables.
The fiber contains a unique microelement importance of which is only now getting started to be realized by science. It`s – silicon, sending and receiving impulses of the brain.
Silicon has the ability to “stick” to itself viruses and pathogens, unusual for a man, which are removed then from the body. The selecting “gluing” ability of colloidal silica systems, is unique. Influenza viruses, hepatitis, arthritis, rheumatism and other microorganisms that cause pathology are sucked into colloidal silicon formations by electrical force of attraction, both in the blood and the GI tract.
Effect of fiber on a man’s weight is caused by its effects on metabolism. It is a metabolic disorder leads to increased weight. Fiber does not burn fat but eliminates the very reason – violation of the metabolic processes in the body. That is why people who have overweight, lose the weight and skinny people on the contrary get the optimal weight.
If you like to eat excessively – do not forget to add to your food fiber: its digestion requires more energy than usual. On average, you will lose 150 calories a day, not applying to this absolutely no effort. Exactly as we lose during 20-minute jog.
Fiber – it`s not a medicine, which is no longer taken after recovery. It should become part of your lifestyle – your daily meals (even in small amounts) and your healthy habit. After all, if we inevitably litter the body a little each day, then there must be a means, for every day cleaning it.
Insufficient use of fiber in the diet of people, has led to a significant increase of patients` number with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, colon cancer, diverticulosis, inflammatory diseases of the colon.
There is evidence of the protective effect of fiber in coronary heart disease, gallstones, diabetes, obesity. Therefore, it is well-grounded to use the fiber as a cleaning agent to the body for prevention.
Fiber absorbs and retains water and regulates the motor activity of the intestine, intracolonic pressure, creates a feeling of satiety, makes it easier to go on low-calorie diets, and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
In the bread, during its prolonged heat treatment manufacture, die most vitamins. The content of vitamins in white flour – is negligible.
Yeast contained in bread, cause fermentation processes, leading to bowel disease.
Fiber is an alternative to bread – thermal treatment lasts seconds so vitamins virtually don`t die and yeast are completely absent. All this makes the fiber healthy substitute for bread, food for sober-minded people aware of imminent retribution for their ignorance in matters of food.
Pectin contained in the plant fiber, called “a medicine against the harmful effects of the city”. Pectins are natural polysaccharides contained in almost all plants.
Pectin reduces cholesterol in the body, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, improves peripheral circulation and peristalsis. However, their most valuable property is that they have the ability to clean alive organisms from harmful substances. And this natural “cleaner” works very effectively, without leaving any “garbage” and thus not disrupting bacterial balance. Pectins remove toxic metal ions, pesticides and radionuclides. Therefore pectins are used as a prophylactic means in a harmful environment saturated with heavy metals, radioactive substances and nitrates.
In the process of digestion pectin turns into acid, which combines with heavy metals and radionuclides, resulting in formation of insoluble salts, which are not absorbed by the mucous of the GI tract and under the influence of fiber, rapidly removes from the body.
Neither pectin nor cellulose can be digested in the stomach, both do not turn into fat deposits, but clean, absorb and excrete everything unnecessary and harmful. It takes 2-3 months to cleanse the body by receiving fiber.
The structure of the ground flax seeds` fiber
– Polyunsaturated: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9;
– Saturated: palmitic, stearic acids;
– B vitamins: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9;
– Vitamin Е;
– Vitamin Т;
Amino acids:
– essential: Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Tryptophan;
– conditionally essential amino acids – amino acids which can be synthesized by the human`s body but with the condition that some amount of this amino acid the body gets with the food. Therefore, these amino acids are also often defined as indispensable: Arginine, Histidine, Tyrosine, Cysteine;
– nonessential: Alanine, Aspartic acid, Glycine, Glutamic Acid, Serine, Carotenoids Sesamol, Sesamin,
– Beta-sitosterol;
Micro and macro elements:
– Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, sodium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Zinc;
Rough fiber:
– In combination with pectin, rough fiber normalizes the balance of healthy microflora, stimulates intestinal motility and, ultimately, helps to cleanse the body of toxins and salts of heavy metals. It helps eliminate this extremely unpleasant thing as constipation.
Especially it is necessary to note the amount of some beneficial components to the human body present in the fiber of ground sesame seeds. It contains in large amounts calcium, zinc and magnesium, which are essential for normal functioning of all organs of the body. Moreover, the content amount of calcium in fiber from ground sesame seeds – “World Champion.”
The use of fiber from ground sesame seeds in the treatment and prevention of diseases
Rich composition of ground sesame seeds`s fiber, no doubts, should be used in the treatment of many diseases, and in order to prevent them.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The whole complex of substances contained in the ground sesame seeds`s fiber (histidine, vitamin E, carotenoids, minerals zinc and magnesium, sesamin, sesamolin, sesamol and sezaminol) has a pronounced wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
Organic acids and pectins which are abundant in ground sesame seeds` fiber, help to improve digestion and increase intestinal motility, normalizes the balance of beneficial microflora in it.
The amino acids arginine, methionine and threonine have a hepatoprotective effect and actively prevent fatty liver.
Moreover, ground sesame seeds`s fiber has antiparasitic action, and can be used in the diet in the treatment of helminth infections and its regular consumption is an excellent preventive means, which is preventing the emergence of parasites.
Also this wonderful fiber will help cleanse your body of toxins that have accumulated over the years in the human`s body and are the cause of many ailments!
It is evident from above-listed that ground sesame seeds` fiber should be included in the diet of people suffering from the following diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, frequent and chronic constipation.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The ground sesame seeds` fiber contains complex substances which favorably affect both the heart and blood vessels. It is primarily the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, amino acids arginine and histidine, phytosterols, sesamin, and trace nutrients potassium, magnesium, and manganese. These active components are perfectly nourish the heart muscle, are regulators of rhythm and force of heart contractions, have a pronounced vasodilating effect, help to reduce cholesterol level in blood, actively prevent the appearance of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
It is recommended to use regularly ground sesame seeds` fiber in the diet of people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia and tachycardia, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as for those who underwent a stroke or heart attack.
Blood diseases. The distinguishing feature of sesame seeds is the presence in its composition of vitamin T, responsible for blood clotting in the human`s body.
Amino acids Histidine and Tryptophan are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
It is recommended to use ground sesame seeds` fiber in the diet of patients with anemia, hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, essential thrombocytopenia.
Diseases of the locomotor system. Ground sesame seeds` fiber is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, i.e, simply necessary for the formation of bone and cartilage tissue trace elements. Estrogen phytosterols of this fiber prevent bone destruction (resorption) and the amino acid leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine and promote natural synthesis of collagen in the human body, and vitally important for our body, including the locomotor system, the protein.
It is recommended to include ground sesame seeds` fiber regularly in the diet of patients with almost all diseases of bones, joints and spine: arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, gout, as well as for various injuries: sprains, bruises, fractures.
Metabolic disorders. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, arginine and sesamin contained in the ground sesame seeds` fiber, promote burning of the subcutaneous fat. Isoleucine, sesamin, magnesium, manganese and zinc are actively involved in the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas. Regular presence of ground sesame seeds` fiber is recommended in the diet of patients with diabetes and obesity.
Memory impairment, weakening of attention, reduced mental and physical endurance, stress, depression, insomnia. Again, you can be helped out by ground sesame seeds` fiber. It has a complex of amino acids, vitamins and minerals that can increase efficiency, improve memory, eliminate the effects of trauma, will help to restore healthy sleep.
Diseases of the female genitalia. The fiber composition of ground sesame seeds contains phytosterols estrogen, vitamin B6, sesamin, magnesium and zinc, promoting the normalization of hormonal balance. Additionally, fiber of ground sesame seeds has also anti-inflammatory effects.
We recommend using ground sesame seeds` fiber in the diet of women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs, as well as those who are experiencing discomfort during the premenstrual or menopausal period. This product is very useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers, because it contains the necessary for both mother and child vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids.
Diseases of male genital. The fiber composition of ground sesame seeds contains beta-sitosterol, vitamin E, as well as trace elements manganese, selenium, zinc. Together, these active substances can have a beneficial impact on the prostate, improve erections, as well as normalize the process of sperm production and improve its quality.
It is recommended to include ground sesame seeds` fiber in the diet of everyone, without exception, men, and especially to those who suffer from prostatitis, BPH, male infertility, impotence…
Diseases of the excretory organs. Regular consumption of foods containing ground sesame seeds` fiber is healthy for people suffering from such diseases of the excretory system as nephritis and pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis and urethritis.
Nevertheless ground sesame seeds` fiber is not a medicine, but a natural source of essential substances for human`s body. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to include it in the diet of quite healthy people. This will serve as an excellent prevention of many diseases. And both for the growing child’s body and aging, weakening body the ground sesame seeds` fiber will be super helpful!
The use of the ground sesame seeds` fiber
For the treatment and prevention of diseases listed above, it is sufficiently to include in the daily diet just 1-2 tablespoons of ground sesame seeds` fiber. It can be used for baking various baked goods, as a supplement to all kinds of porridges, salads, side dishes. This fiber can serve as excellent breading for cutlets, fish or meat. It makes sense to try it as a thickener for sauces and gravies.
Ground sesame seeds` fiber has a delicate nutty flavor and very pleasant aroma. Perhaps it will add the zest to usual dishes which will make them taste like a true masterpiece!
Contraindications to the use of the ground sesame seeds` fiber
Regular consumption of the ground sesame seeds` fiber in food contraindicated for patients with high blood clotting, varicose veins, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. But sometimes you can still indulge in this exquisite product.
Rye malt is valued at most for high content of protein and full composition of 8 essential amino acids including lysine, threonine, and valine that stimulate protein metabolism in the human body as well as facilitate the growth of muscles and bones, oligopeptides; easily digestible polysaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids; minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, selenium, and zinc); vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, F), and phospholipides that are important for the formation of new cells membranes, enzymes, phytohormones, and other biologically active additives.All these components compensate for a shortcoming of nutritional deficiency, have high biologically activity, support normal functioning of all body systems, relieve the effects of stress, totally strengthen the body, support the immune system, stimulate hematopoiesis, increase hemoglobin level, reduce cholesterol level, and noticeably improve skin and hair condition. The substances contained in rye malt positively affect the biochemical processes in the working muscles. Meanwhile, the muscle energy is spent more economically that is especially important at long-time and high loads, at working under extreme conditions, and at various pathological conditions; it is also important for building-up sportsmen’s muscle mass. The substances contained in rye malt are important for one and all, particularly for children and aged people, pregnant women and nursing mothers, victims of the Chernobyl disaster, sportsmen, and those people engaged into active mental and physical work.
Regular consumption of rye malt helps to normalize the acid-alkaline balance in gastrointestinal tract, to improve digestion, to facilitate the most effective carbohydrates uptake, and to increase nutrients absorption in the intestine. Rye malt is a perfect breeding ground for useful bacterial intestinal flora. It prevents calculi formation in gall bladder, bile duct, and liver; actively facilitates intestinal peristalsis, and helps to remove wastes and toxins from the body.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 contained in rye malt reduce cholesterol level in the blood and prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls. Rye malt contains a high level of vitamin E, which normalizes the blood pressure level and actively prevents thrombosis. Like other vitamins-antioxidants A and C contained in rye malt, this vitamin perfectly strengthens and protects the vessel walls and reduces capillary permeability. Rye malt is rich in potassium and magnesium that are very important for the heart muscle function. Therefore, rye malt is especially useful for those people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and other diseases of cardio-vascular system. It is also used for prevention of infarctions and strokes.
The rye malt is a valuable diabetic product.
The substances contained in rye malt slow down the fats and carbohydrates absorption, stabilize the blood sugar level, while the mineral substances contained in rye malt are very important for regulation of the natural insulin production by the pancreas.
Consumption of rye malt prevents the occurrence and the development of cholelithiasis. It is very useful for those suffering from dysbacteriosis, hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, duodenitis, and chronic constipations.
Thanks to vitamins-antioxidants contained in rye malt, it has a beneficial effect on the women body throughout pregnancy and further childbirth. It also helps to enhance lactation, and improves the quality and taste of breast milk.
Rye malt is very useful for women suffering from pains during premenstrual period and climacterium.
Regular consumption of rye malt that is rich in substances improving sex hormones synthesis (amino acids, zinc, vitamins E, B3, B6) helps men to meet challenges related to prostatopathy, to improve potency, and to prevent the development of prostate adenoma and its degeneration.
Regular consumption of rye malt prevents rectal cancer and colon cancer. Once in the intestine, this vegetable fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments. Soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years, the fiber cleanses your body.
You can add rye malt to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, side dish, vegetable or fruit salad, milk products, and vegetable puree. Also use it for cooking buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Healthy Benefits of Rye Malt Vegetable Fiber
Rye malt is valued at most for high content of protein and full composition of 8 essential amino acids including lysine, threonine, and valine that stimulate protein metabolism in the human body as well as facilitate the growth of muscles and bones, oligopeptides, easily digestible polysaccharides (glucose, fructose, maltose, and dextran), polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, selenium, zinc), vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B0, P), and phospholipides that are important for the formation of new cells membranes, enzymes, phytohormones, and other biologically active additives.
All these components compensate for a shortcoming of nutritional deficiency, have high biologically activity, support normal functioning of all body systems, relieve the effects of stress, totally strengthen the body, support the immune system, stimulate hematopoiesis, increase hemoglobin level, reduce cholesterol level, and noticeably improve skin and hair condition.
The substances contained in rye malt positively affect the biochemical processes in the working muscles. Meanwhile, the muscle energy is spent more economically that is especially important at long-time and high loads, at working under extreme conditions, and at various pathological conditions; it is also important for building-up sportsmen’s muscle mass. The substances contained in rye malt are important for one and all, particularly for children and aged people, pregnant women and nursing mothers, victims of the Chernobyl disaster, sportsmen, and those people engaged into active mental and physical work.
Rye Malt Influence on Different Systems of the Human Body
Regular consumption of rye malt helps to normalize the acid-alkaline balance in gastrointestinal tract, to improve digestion, to facilitate the most effective carbohydrates uptake, and to increase nutrients absorption in the intestine. Rye malt is a perfect breeding ground for useful bacterial intestinal flora. It prevents calculi formation in gall bladder, bile duct, and liver; actively facilitates intestinal peristalsis, and helps to remove wastes and toxins from the body.
Consumption of rye malt prevents the occurrence and the development of cholelithiasis. It is very useful for those suffering from dysbacteriosis, hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, duodenitis, and chronic constipations caused by dysbacteriosis or colitis.
Regular consumption of rye malt prevents rectal cancer and colon cancer.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3, OMEGA-6, and other components contained in rye malt reduce cholesterol level in the blood and prevent deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls. Rye malt contains a high level of vitamin E, which normalizes the blood pressure level and actively prevents thrombosis. Like other vitamins-antioxidants A and C contained in rye malt, this vitamin perfectly strengthens and protects the vessel walls and reduces capillary permeability.
Rye malt is rich in potassium and magnesium that are very important for the heart muscle function. Therefore, rye malt is especially useful for those people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and other diseases of cardio-vascular system. It is also used for prevention of infarctions and strokes.
Rye malt is a valuable diabetic product
The substances contained in rye malt slow down the fats and carbohydrates absorption, stabilize the blood sugar level, while the mineral substances contained in rye malt are very important for regulation of the natural insulin production by the pancreas.
Thanks to vitamins-antioxidants contained in rye malt, it has a beneficial effect on the women body throughout pregnancy and further childbirth. It also helps to enhance lactation, and improves the quality and taste of breast milk.
Rye malt, thanks to the high content of phytohormones and vitamin E, is very useful for women suffering from pains during premenstrual period and climacterium.
Regular consumption of rye malt that is rich in substances improving sex hormones synthesis (amino acids, zinc, and vitamins E, B3, B6) helps men to meet challenges related to prostatopathy, to improve potency, and to prevent the development of prostate adenoma and its degeneration.
Rye malt is recommended for the prevention and complex treatment of male and female infertility
Regular consumption of rye malt prevents the development of many diseases including tumorous ones. It also strengthens the immune system and restores energetic tone of the body (it is especially useful for patients who had experienced serious diseases, complex operations as well as those suffering from exhaustion).
Directions For Use
You can add rye malt to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, side dish, vegetable or fruit salad, milk products, and vegetable puree. Also use it for cooking buns and bread.
Recommended amount: 1–3 tablespoons per day.
Counterindications: Any cereal malt is counterindicated at acute phase of the following diseases: chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis, duodenal ulcer, and gastric ulcer.
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance.This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity.
Vitamins contained in corn germs (А, B1, B2, B6, РР, С, К) improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and the immune system. Polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 contained in corn germs increase the body resistance to infectious diseases, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional resource of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of corn germs is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector.
It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
Fiber of corn germs is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Corn Germs
Corn germ is a valuable nature gift that has high biological and food value.
All energetic and physiological useful properties are mainly contained in corn germs. Corn germs contain a high number of phosphatides, carotin, a complex of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins (E, A, B1, B2, B6, PP, C, K), macro- and microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, iodine, molybdenum, copper, etc.), and essential amino acids (linolic, oleic, palmitinic, stearinic, myristinic, hexadecylenic, and arachic). These acids are important for metabolism and regulation of cholesterol exchange in the human body. They prevent deposition of cholesterol on the vessel walls. Also, they prevent thrombosis at coronary atherosclerosis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 contained in fiber of corn germs increase the body resistance to infectious diseases, and release excess cholesterol from the body preventing thereby the development of atherosclerosis.
Vitamin E (a vitamin of youthfulness) contained in fiber of corn germs lasts the life of red blood cells that transfer the oxygen. It helps the body to absorb one more important vitamin A, and has anticarcinogenic property. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It prevents aging of the body and rejuvenates it starting to act at the cellular level. Vitamin E strengthens the immune and muscle system of the human body, and restores the potency. The number of vitamin A contained in fiber of corn germs is 15 times more than in beans; and 5 times more than in peas.
This fiber restores the energy balance, regulates the most important body functions, helps to resist to serious diseases and adverse environmental conditions (radiation and chemical pollution, stresses), has rejuvenatory and toning effect on the human body, normalizes metabolism, eliminates from chronic fatigue symptoms, and enhances the body defenses.
The fiber has a high level of carotinoids that have antioxidant properties and protect the body from the free radicals attack. Regular consumption of this fiber prevents the occurrence of new growth, strengthens cappilaries, improves skin and face condition, and slows down the aging of the body.
Fiber of Corn Germs to Lose Weight
As it is known, the fiber helps to optimize intestine functions, peristalsis in particular. It cleanses the body from harmful substances and normalizes stool.
The fiber improves digestion and speeds up the movement of intestinal wastes in gastrointestinal tract.
When consuming fiber of corn germs, the body sends the signal of hunger more later as it processes a rich amino acid complex contained in corn germs. It is very useful for those who want to lose weight. Fiber of corn germs has a beneficial effect on intestine microflora functioning, thus increasing the immune system and facilitating better digestion.
Recommended amount for those who want to lose weight: Pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of fiber with water and take 3 times per day. Do not eat within 2 hours after that.
Fiber of Corn Germs To Enhance Mental Activity
Thanks to gamma-aminobutyric acid that is a neurotransmitter and a part of fiber of corn germs, the energy processes are enhanced in brain, thus improving memory and mental alertness.
Therefore, this fiber is recommended for those who have experienced strokes and brain injuries. It also normalizes nervous processes.
Fiber of Corn Germs to Normalize Hormonal Balance
Vitamin E and B-vitamin complex harmonize genital system functioning and relieve inflammatory processes. Therefore, this fiber is recommended at menstrual irregularities, hormonal dysfunctions, climacterium, and polycystic ovary.
Fiber of Corn Germs to Prevent Dysbacteriosis
This natural fiber has a beneficial effect on rectum function and feces composition, thus increasing mass of stool. If you add, for example, 50g of corn germ fiber to your food ration, a mass of stool will increase in 3–4 times and its movement period will be reduced from 58 to 40 hours.
Intestine Microflora
Fiber metabolism is the only one metabolic process in the body that is performed in oxygen-free environment. Energy generated during such process is required for reproduction and survival of bacteria in rectum. Therefore, the fiber of corn germs is recommended at intestine dysbacteriosis.
Prevention of Colon Cancer
The increase of fecal masses and reduction of their movement period provide shorter contact of colon mass with cancerogens, radionuclides, heavy metals and increase absorption of carcinogenic substances.
Fiber of Corn Germs to Build-Up Muscle Mass
This fiber fastens muscle mass building-up, increases athletic performance, and provides recovery after hard training. That is why it is very useful for sportsmen’s food ration, especially for those engaged in heavy sports. Amino acids are very important for muscle mass building-up, and fiber of corn germs has plenty of them. The corn germ proteins, by their properties, composition and nutrition value, can be compared to such physiologically active proteins of animal origin as, for example, proteins of milk powder, chicken eggs, casein, and dried beef.
Recommended amount for those who want to build-up muscle mass: Take 2–3 tablespoons of this fiber 3 times per day with water or milk. You can stir a fiber in glass of milk, kefir or juice, and let it stand for a while. Take fiber during 2 or 3-weeks to build-up your muscle mass.
Fiber of Corn Germs as a Disease Control Agent
Consumption of this fiber helps to prevent almost all diseases:
– it has a beneficial effect on the body functioning and coordinates softly its work;
– regulates and restores normal behavior of vital processes in the body;
– balances and normalizes metabolism, and increases the immune system;
– stabilizes and rejuvenates all body systems: nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, excretory, thermoregulatory, energetic, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and other small systems and subsystems;
– facilitates resorption of various malignant and benign tumors, polyps, cysts, lipomas, myomas, fibromas, etc;
– enriches the blood with oxygen, thus oxidizing additionally various decomposition products and giving energetic toning to the tissues; furthermore, it increases body endurance to cold and hypoxia;
– eliminates from inflammatory processes;
– normalizes the intestine microflora and restores its condition to the child’s microflora not poisoned with “civilized” food;
– removes byproducts of cells activity, poisones, harmful cholesterol, non-organic, pharmaceutical and other harmful substances;
– normalizes the blood sugar level;
– helps to treat brittle nails, and hair loss, and restores their color and natural thickness;
– returns visual acuity;
– reduces obesity: common (adiposis) and local (individual body parts); you can’t overeat when taking fiber of corn germ;
– facilitates active longevity.
Fiber of corn germs is included into food rations at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, and to prevent atherosclerosis. The fiber of corn germs is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector.
Directions For Use:
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
For adults: 1–2 tablespoons per day.
Take it carefully at gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, kidneys diseases, and diarrhea.
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, to normalize hormonal balance, and to build-up muscular mass.This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity.
Vitamins contained in wheat germs improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and strong immune system. Wheat germs contain 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 7 of which are essential, and also 21 minerals. B-group vitamins content is 3–4 times higher than in the whole grain, while potassium content is 2.5–5 times higher. Vitamin E content is 75 times higher than in bread, while the content of phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc is 10 times higher than in bread.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.
This fiber restores the energy balance, regulates the most important body functions, helps to resist to serious diseases and adverse environmental conditions, has rejuvenatory and toning effect on the human body, normalizes metabolism, eliminates from chronic fatigue symptoms, and enhances the body defenses. The fiber has a high level of organic selenium and carotinoids that have antioxidant properties and protect the body from the free radicals attack. Regular consumption of this fiber prevents the occurrence of new growth, strengthens capillaries, improves skin condition and face color, and slows down the aging of the body.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of wheat germs is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector.
It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
Fiber of wheat germs is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Wheat Germs
Wheat germ is a valuable nature gift that has high biological and nutrition value. Unfortunately, modern technologies of cooking top-grade flour do not use the most valuable components, such as germs and bran. While they contain high level of nutrients that are the part of wheat grains.
Wheat germs contain 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 7 of which are essential, and also 21 macro- and microelements. B-group vitamins content in one germ is 3–4 times higher than in the whole grain, while calcium content is 1.5–2.5 times higher, and potassium content is 2.5–5 times higher. Vitamin E content in one wheat germ is 75 times higher than in bread, while the content of such minerals as phosphoric, magnesium, and zinc is 10 times higher.
This fiber restores the energy balance, regulates the most important body functions, helps to resist to serious diseases and adverse environmental conditions (radiation and chemical pollution, stresses), has rejuvenatory and toning effect on the human body, normalizes metabolism, eliminates from chronic fatigue symptoms, and enhances the body defenses. The fiber has a high level of organic selenium and carotinoids that have antioxidant properties and protect the body from the free radicals attack.
Regular consumption of this fiber prevents the occurrence of new growth, strengthens capillaries, improves skin condition and face color, and slows down the aging of the body.
Fiber of Wheat Germs to Lose Weight
As it is known, the fiber helps to optimize intestine functions, peristalsis in particular. It cleanses the body from harmful substances and normalizes stool.
The fiber improves digestion and speeds up the movement of intestinal wastes in gastrointestinal tract.
When consuming fiber of wheat germs, the body sends the signal of hunger more later as it processes a rich amino acid complex contained in wheat germs. It is very useful for those who want to lose weight. Fiber of wheat germs has a beneficial effect on intestine microflora functioning, thus increasing the immune system and facilitating better digestion.
Recommended amount for those who want to lose weight: Pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of fiber with water and take 3 times per day. Do not eat within 2 hours after that.
Fiber of Wheat Germs To Enhance Mental Activity
Thanks to gamma-aminobutyric acid that is a neurotransmitter and a part of fiber of wheat germs, the energy processes are enhanced in brain, thus improving memory and mental alertness.
Therefore, this fiber is recommended for those who have experienced strokes and brain injuries. It also normalizes nervous processes.
Fiber of Wheat Germs to Normalize Hormonal Balance
Vitamin E and B-vitamin complex harmonize genital system functioning and relieve inflammatory processes. Therefore, this fiber is recommended at menstrual irregularities, hormonal dysfunctions, climacterium, and polycystic ovary.
Fiber of Wheat Germs to Prevent Dysbacteriosis
This natural fiber has a beneficial effect on rectum function and feces composition, thus increasing mass of stool. If you add, for example, 50g of wheat germ fiber to your food ration, a mass of stool will increase in 3–4 times and its movement period will be reduced from 58 to 40 hours.
Intestine Microflora
Fiber metabolism is the only one metabolic process in the body that is performed in oxygen-free environment. Energy generated during such process is required for reproduction and survival of bacteria in rectum. Therefore, the fiber of wheat germs is recommended at intestine dysbacteriosis.
Prevention of Colon Cancer
The increase of fecal masses and reduction of their movement period provide shorter contact of colon mass with cancerogens, radionuclides, heavy metals and increase absorption of carcinogenic substances.
Fiber of Wheat Germs to Build-Up Muscle Mass
This fiber fastens muscle mass building-up, increases athletic performance, and provides recovery after hard training. That is why it is very useful for sportsmen’s food ration, especially for those engaged in heavy sports. Amino acids are very important for muscle mass building-up, and fiber of wheat germs has plenty of them. 18 amino acids, 7 of which are essential. The wheat germ proteins, by their properties, composition and nutrition value, can be compared to such physiologically active proteins of animal origin as, for example, proteins of milk powder, chicken eggs, casein, and dried beef.
Recommended amount for those who want to build-up muscle mass: Take 2–3 tablespoons of this fiber 3 times per day with water or milk. You can stir a fiber in glass of milk, kefir (butter milk) or juice, and let it stand for a while. Take fiber during 2 or 3 weeks to build-up your muscle mass.
Fiber of Wheat Germs as a Disease Control Agent:
– consumption of this fiber helps to prevent almost all diseases;
– it has a beneficial effect on the body functioning and coordinates softly its work;
– regulates and restores normal behavior of vital processes in the body;
– balances and normalizes metabolism;
– reinforces the immune system;
– stabilizes and rejuvenates all body systems: nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, excretory, thermoregulatory, energetic, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and other small systems and subsystems;
– facilitates resorption of various malignant and benign tumors, polyps, cysts, lipomas, myomas, fibromas, etc;
– enriches the blood with oxygen, thus oxidizing additionally various decomposition products and giving energetic toning to the tissues; furthermore, it increases body endurance to cold and hypoxia;
– eliminates from inflammatory processes;
– normalizes the intestine microflora and restores its condition to the child’s microflora not poisoned with “civilized” food;
– removes byproducts of cells activity as well as poisones, harmful cholesterol, non-organic, pharmaceutical and other harmful substances;
– helps to treat brittle nails, and hair loss, and restores hair color and natural thickness;
– returns visual acuity;
– reduces obesity both common (adiposis) and local (individual body parts); you can’t overeat when taking fiber of wheat germs;
– facilitates active longevity.
Fiber of wheat germs is included into food rations at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, and to prevent atherosclerosis. The fiber of wheat germs is a delicate product that is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector.
Directions For Use:
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
For adults: 1–2 tablespoons per day.
Take it carefully at gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, kidneys diseases, and diarrhea.
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance.Research data show that taking fiber of rye bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines.
This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity.
Vitamins contained in rye bran improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, and improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and strong immune system.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of rye bran is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector. It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Fiber of rye bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Rye Bran
Rye bran fiber is valued at most for the high content of food fibers.
This fiber helps to regulate the intestine functioning, to improve microflora, and to lose weight. It is very useful for health and slim figure. Rye bran consists of floral cover (peel) of the grain, grain germ, and aleurone layer of the grain. It is bran, which contains the most useful things that may be found in the grain itself.
Bran contains 90% of biologically active components of the whole grain. Meanwhile, top-grade flour is a pure starch that has no living cells or active microelements necessary for our body.
Since olden times the rye is known for its useful properties. All food that has been cooked with rye rightly belongs to the healthiest and useful food as its regular consumption normalizes digestion and metabolic processes, cleanses the body, removes wastes, enhances the immune system, and increases protective properties of the body. Fiber of rye bran is rich in amino acids that are essential for the human being.
Regular consumption of fiber of rye bran helps to reduce cholesterol level and sugar level in the blood. Also, this fiber can arrange biliary excretion at gallbladder dyskinesia, and helps to get rid of constipations. Fiber of rye bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body.
Fiber of Rye Bran to Lose Weight
This fiber is very useful for those people suffering from overweight; it helps to lose weight, and to get a slim figure. Fiber-rich food is absorbed more slowly and provides feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber of bran enhances the intestine peristalsis thus reducing absorption of nutrients and consequently of calorie content of food.
Furthermore, this fiber swells in the intestine and increases in volume thus giving a feeling of fullness and preserving people from overeating and gaining excess weight, and further obesity.
Fiber of rye bran contains B-group vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E. It also contains microelements that are essential for normal metabolic processes in the body. Such microelements are as follows: potassium, calcium, fluorine, cooper, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, etc. Bran can be classified as health food product. Many valuable minerals are destroyed in the process of grain milling. Those people who like pastries usually suffer from hyperacidity. If food is cooked with using uncleaned grain or bran, it helps to prevent constipations, and such concomitant diseases as: haemorrhoids, obesity and so on, and also thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes.
Fiber of Rye Bran to Struggle Against Obesity and Diabetes
Vegetable fibers, which are contained in large numbers in bran, are poorly digested. So, people do not feel hungry for a longer time. That is why the fiber of rye bran is so popular among people suffering from excess weight. Also, this fiber has low nutrition value. When passing through the intestine, the fiber swells and forms a soft mass that removes decomposition products and cancerogens from the intestine. Due to this the fiber of rye bran can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level.
It is recommended as an effective supplement to patients suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this fiber restores metabolism and reduces the blood sugar level.
It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of rye bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin). Rye bran reduces insulin secretion, thus protecting the body from the development of insulin resistance, and consequently from the occurrence of diabetes mellitus type II and cardiovascular diseases.
Research data show that taking fiber of rye bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines.
Fiber of Rye Bran to Provide Normal Functioning of Cardio-Vascular System
Rye bran consists of vitamins E, A, PP, B-group vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, and other minerals. The rye white contains such useful amino acids as lysine and threonine.
As fiber of rye bran contains vitamins B3, B6, and B9, the cholesterol level in the blood is significantly reduced, thus preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls.
Vitamin B1 contained in rye bran transforms into cocarboxylase that positively affects many functions of cardio-vascular system. Potassium and magnesium also contained in rye bran are very important for our heart and vessels. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is a perfect preventive measure against atherosclerosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Avitaminosis, for example, is treated with the help of rye bran broth. Pour 1 tablespoon of fiber of rye bran with water, boil for1 minute, and then let it stand for 1 hour. Drain the liquid and take 3 times per day before eating. Single dose is 1/2 glass. Allergics are recommended to take a bath with fiber of rye bran for 20 minutes every day. To prepare such bath mixture, mix 1kg of fiber of rye bran with 4 liters of boiling water, and let it stand for 4 hours. Drain the broth into the bath before taking a bath. A broth made of this fiber is taken at acne several times per day.
Scientists insist that people could live longer and feel better if they had eaten more food containing fiber of rude and hard digested food. It is bran, which is exactly such food. As it contains a lot of fiber it is a hard digested product.
Health Benefits of Fiber of Rye Bran for Male and Female Body
Thanks to unique properties of rye it can be considered not only as a healthy product but as a natural medicine as well. In ancient times, the rye was considered as an agent increasing vital tonus and raising mood. Also, the rye totally strengthens the body and normalizes metabolism.
Broth made of rye bran fiber unlike rye brad can make stool hard. It is recommended to take this broth at diarrhea. Furthermore, this broth is taken to beat back a lingering cough. It is a perfect expectorant and emollient. It is recommended to take it at tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, and anemia. Also take it as an agent improving the heart function. In ancient times it was said the following: “The rye makes a person to straighten up”. Modern science says that the rye grain contains the greatest number of B-group vitamins that are essential for backbone. It is the rye bran, which contains these vitamins in the most digested state for our body. Rye bran helps to keep working capacity within the whole day, and to stay energetic and healthy.
Rye bran is rich in such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynecological diseases.
Vitamin-E rich rye bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years.
Regular consumption of fiber of rye bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body. Fiber of rye bran normalizes the intestine functioning and reduces the development of colon tumors. Thanks to this fiber the digestion process is shifted to that area in colon where usually a tumor appears.
It seems that fiber of rye bran is useful almost in everything. So it is. Counterindications can occur only at acute phase of gastritis, polyps, and gastric ulcer. It is better stop consuming fiber for a while at acute phase until recurrence ends.
If you have increased feeling of hunger at nights but you can’t eat after 6 PM because of the diet prescribed by your dietitian, just drink a glass of kefir (butter milk) mixed with a handful of rye bran fiber to relieve hunger.
Bran-rich food facilitates a formation of a special substance that prevents the cells damage. Nutritionists say that we have to take 30g of food fibers per day. Food fibers give a feeling of fullness. They also stimulate biliary excretion, intestine motor function, thin the intestine content as well as form and increase the number of fecal mass and effect positively on the intestine microflora, and reduce effectively cholesterol level in the blood. The lack of fiber in today food ration is one of the reasons of constipations, and the main factor of the development of colon and rectal polyps, and haemorrhoids.
Fiber of rye bran is necessary for normal functioning of digestive system; it is essential for prevention of cancer diseases. Rye bran is rich in fiber that can retain a lot of water thanks to its pore structure. Once in the intestine, it thins fecal masses and facilitates their active movement in the colon. Thanks to this property, the fiber is useful for those people suffering from frequent constipations.
Fiber of rye bran contains such substances that excite the intestine peristalsis and facilitate the wastes removal. The most important microelement for the human being is iron that is left in bran too (unlike flour).
The most important bran property is an ability to retain water. For example, 1g of bran can retain 5g of water. It enhances colon peristalsis and increases the volume of fecal masses. The fiber shortens the contact of harmful substances and metabolism byproducts with colon mucous membrane in the body, thus bringing to minimum the development of colon cancer and haemorrhoids.
Furthermore, the fiber is a perfect breeding ground for useful intestinal flora. Due to that fact, the consumption of fiber of rye bran is an effective method of dysbacteriosis prevention and treatment.
B-group vitamins contained in rye bran facilitate digestion (vitamins B2 and B3 have a beneficial effect on mucous membrane of the whole alimentary tract, while vitamin B3 stimulates gastric juice production and the intestine motor function as well as increases activity of liver, and pancreas). Fiber of rye bran normalizes biliary excretion and absorbs harmful bile acids and bad cholesterol formed in the result of enterohepatic circulation of bile. This is the reason why you should take fiber of rye bran every day so that to prevent and treat biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, and other diseases of liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts.
Therapeutic and nutritious benefits of fiber of rye bran are immeasurable. It cleanses the intestine perfectly, and this is a key to health and longevity.
Since olden time, steamed rye bran in Rus has been used in folk medicine as purgative agent as well as the agent that normalizes digestion, and a softening agent at psoriasis, eczema, and skin dryness. Also, it was used at poisonings and for therapy tanks. Archiaters in France used bran as sure remedy to cure heart diseases. Nowadays, rye bran is used in cosmetology to prepare face masque for fading skin.
Consumption of 20–30g of this fiber per day helps the patients suffering from familial adenomatous polyposis to prevent the occurrence and the development of rectum polyps. Patients suffering from nonfamilial adenomatous polyposis can avoid polyps’ reacquisition after their removal by means of surgical excision.
Directions For Use
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
You can normalize the intestine functioning within only 3 or 4 days by adding rye bran to your food. None of the medicines can provide you with such results.
Fiber of rye bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Steam the fiber with water and drain it in half an hour. Take a swollen fiber with warm water or just add it to your dish as indicated above.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this fiber per day just for preventive purposes. Those children who reach by 2 years of age can take this fiber. Daily intake of fiber is prescribed strictly individually taking into consideration stool frequency — it is desirable that a person should go to the toilet 2 times per day when taking fiber. Begin taking 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then you can increase your intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
When taking fiber of rye bran, drink a lot of water (about 6 glasses per day).
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance. As millet bran contains a high level of cooper, manganese and niacin, it can stimulate hematopoiesis, while magnesium high content facilitates dilation of coronary vessels. Millet bran can remove residual antibiotics and decomposition products from the body (eat millet bran when taking antibiotics). Also, millet bran can reduce the growth of tumors.This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity. Millet bran can mend broken bones and strengthen damaged bones as well as heal wounds, and reinforce muscle strength. Taking millet bran at hypertension normalizes blood pressure for a long time, and makes the eyesight sharper at night and twilight. Vitamins contained in millet bran improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, and improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and the immune system.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of millet bran is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector. It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Fiber of millet bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Millet Bran
Millet bran fiber is valued at most for the high content of food fibers. This fiber helps to regulate the intestine functioning, to improve microflora, and to lose weight. It is very useful for health and slim figure.
Millet bran consists of floral cover (peel) of the grain, grain germ, and aleurone layer of the grain. It is bran, which contains the most useful things that may be found in the grain itself. Bran contains 90% of biologically active components of the whole grain. Meanwhile, top-grade flour is a pure starch that has no living cells or microelements necessary for our body.
Regular consumption of fiber of millet bran helps to reduce cholesterol level and sugar level in the blood. Also, fiber of millet bran can arrange biliary excretion at gallbladder dyskinesia, and helps to get rid of constipations. Fiber of millet bran removes harmful detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body.
Fiber of Millet Bran to Lose Weight
This fiber is very useful for those people suffering from overweight; it helps to lose weight, and to get a slim figure. Fiber-rich food is absorbed more slowly and provides feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber of bran enhances the intestine peristalsis thus reducing absorption of nutrients and consequently of calorie content of food.
Furthermore, this fiber swells in the intestine and increases in volume thus giving a feeling of fullness and preserving people from overeating and gaining excess weight, and further obesity.
Fiber of millet bran contains B-group vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E. It also contains microelements that are needed for normal metabolic processes in the body. Such microelements are as follows: potassium, calcium, fluorine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, etc. Bran can be classified as health food product. Many valuable minerals are destroyed in the process of grain milling. As a rule, those who like pastries have got hyperacidity. If food is cooked with using uncleaned grain or bran, it helps to prevent constipations, and such concomitant diseases as: haemorrhoids, obesity and so on, and also thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes.
Fiber of Millet Bran to Struggle Against Obesity and Diabetes
Vegetable fibers, that are contained in large numbers in bran, are poorly digested. So, people do not feel hungry for a longer time. That is why the fiber of millet bran is so popular among people suffering from excess weight. Also, this fiber has low nutrition value. When passing through the intestine, the fiber swells and forms a soft mass that removes decomposition products and cancerogens from the intestine. Due to this the fiber of millet bran can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level.
The fiber of millet bran is recommended as an effective supplement to patients suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this fiber restores metabolism and reduces the blood sugar level.
It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of millet bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin).
Research data show that taking fiber of millet bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines.
Fiber of Millet Bran to Provide Normal Functioning of Cardio-Vascular System
Millet bran is recommended for those who suffer from cardio-vascular system diseases, atherosclerosis, habitual constipations, hypertension, and kidneys diseases. Millet bran contains vitamins A, E, PP, B-group vitamins, and such minerals as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, and nickel. Potassium content in millet bran is 4 times higher than in rice, while magnesium content is 5 times higher. As millet bran contains a high level of cooper, manganese and niacin, it can stimulate hematopoiesis, while magnesium high content facilitates dilation of coronary vessels. Millet bran can remove residual antibiotics and decomposition products from the body (eat millet bran every day when taking antibiotics). Also, millet can reduce the growth of tumors, while its diuretic properties help to treat edema. Millet bran can mend broken bones and strengthen damaged bones as well as heal wounds, and strengthen muscle system. It also facilitates soft tissues connection. Taking millet bran at hypertension normalizes blood pressure for a long time, and makes the eyesight sharper at night and twilight. Millet bran contains a lot of iodine, zinc, potassium, sodium, bromine, and phosphorus.
Scientists insist that people could live longer and feel better if they had eaten more food containing fiber of rude and hard digested food. It is bran, which is exactly such food. As it contains a lot of fiber it is hard digested.
Health Benefits of Fiber of Millet Bran for Male and Female Body
People consuming more vegetable fiber are less exposed to heart diseases compared to those consuming far too little of fiber. The fact that bran has therapeutic and protective properties is associated with a high number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients contained in it. Furthermore, some vegetable lignines contained in bran are phytoestrogens in fact. Regular consumption of phytoestrogens prevents the occurrence of neoplasms related to hormones.
Millet bran is rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 as well as such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases.
Vitamin-E rich millet bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years.
Regular consumption of fiber of millet bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body. Fiber of millet bran normalizes the intestine functioning and reduces the development of colon tumors. Thanks to fiber of millet bran the digestion process transferrers to that area in colon where usually a tumor appears.
It seems that fiber of millet bran is useful almost in everything. So it is. Counterindications can occur only at acute phase of gastritis, polyps, and gastric ulcer. It is better stop consuming fiber for a while at acute phase until recurrence ends.
If you have increased feeling of hunger at nights but you can’t eat after 6 PM because of the diet prescribed by your dietitian, just drink a glass of kefir (butter milk) mixed with a handful of millet bran fiber to relieve hunger.
Bran-rich food facilitates a formation of a special substance that prevents the cells damage. Nutritionists say that we have to take 30g of food fibers per day. Food fibers give a feeling of fullness.
They also stimulate biliary excretion, intestine motor function, thin the intestine content as well as form and increase the number of fecal mass and effect positively on the intestine microflora, and reduce effectively cholesterol level in the blood. The lack of fiber in today food ration is one of the reasons of constipations, and the main factor of the development of colon and rectal polyps, and haemorrhoids.
Fiber of millet bran is necessary for normal functioning of digestive system; it is essential for prevention of cancer diseases. Millet bran is rich in fiber that can retain a lot of water thanks to its pore structure. Once in the intestine, it thins fecal masses and facilitates their active movement in the colon. Thanks to this property, the fiber is useful for those people suffering from frequent constipations.
Fiber of millet bran contains such substances that excite the intestine peristalsis and facilitate the wastes removal. The most important microelement for the human being is iron that is left in bran too (unlike flour).
The most important bran property is an ability to retain water. For example, 1g of bran can retain 5g of water. It enhances colon peristalsis and increases the volume of fecal masses. The fiber shortens the contact of harmful substances and metabolism byproducts with colon mucous membrane in the body, thus bringing to minimum the development of colon cancer and haemorrhoids.
Furthermore, the fiber is a perfect breeding ground for useful intestinal flora. Due to that fact, the consumption of fiber of millet bran is an effective method of dysbacteriosis prevention and treatment.
B-group vitamins contained in millet bran facilitate digestion (vitamins B2 and B3 have a beneficial effect on mucous membrane of the whole alimentary tract, while vitamin B3 stimulates gastric juice production and the intestine motor function as well as increases activity of liver, and pancreas). Fiber of millet bran normalizes biliary excretion and absorbs harmful bile acids and bad cholesterol formed in the result of enterohepatic circulation of bile. This is the reason why you should take fiber of millet bran every day so that to prevent and treat biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, and other diseases of liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts.
Therapeutic and nutritious benefits of fiber of millet bran are immeasurable. It cleanses the intestine perfectly, and this is a key to health and longevity.
Since olden time, steamed millet bran in Rus has been used in folk medicine as purgative agent and the agent that normalizes digestion. Also, it is used at poisonings and for therapy tanks as well as a softening agent at psoriasis, eczema, and skin dryness. Archiaters in France used bran as sure remedy to cure heart diseases. Nowadays, millet bran is used in cosmetology to prepare face masque for fading skin.
Consumption of 20–30g of this fiber per day helps the patients suffering from familial adenomatous polyposis to prevent the occurrence and the development of rectum polyps. Patients suffering from nonfamilial adenomatous polyposis can avoid polyps reacquisition after their removal by means of surgical excision.
Directions For Use
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
You can normalize the intestine functioning within only 3 or 4 days by adding millet bran to your food. None of the medicines can provide you with such results.
Fiber of millet bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Steam the fiber with water and drain it in half an hour.
Take a swollen fiber with warm water or just add it to your dish as indicated above.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this fiber per day just for preventive purposes. Those children who reach by 2 years of age can take this fiber. Daily intake of fiber is prescribed strictly individually taking into consideration stool frequency — it is desirable that a person should go to the toilet 2 times per day when taking fiber. Begin taking 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then you can increase your intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
When taking fiber of millet bran, drink a lot of water (about 6 glasses per day).
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance. The fiber of oat bran helps to get rid of constipations.Oat bran contains 12 amino acids that are essential for the human being. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that have no analogues by their qualitative and quantitative composition contained in other vegetable raw materials. Polyphenols that are found in oat prevent the development of atherosclerosis as they reduce the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood. Oat bran improves metabolism in the body; it behaves as diaphoretic, diuretic, antifebrile, antisclerotic, and antiulcer agent, and helps to treat skin diseases. Oat bran is taken at acute and chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary emphysema. It contains vegetable fibers (beta-glucan) that reduce cholesterol level in the blood, and also it contains unique avenatramid antioxidant that protects vessels. Oat bran contains more iron than in other bran. Furthermore, it contains a lot of sulphur (it is essential for metabolism of nervous tissue, blood, hair, nails, cartilages, and bones), silicon (it prevents hair loss and stops the degenerative processes), phosphorus, and potassium. This fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of oat bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin).
Research data show that taking fiber of oat bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines. Oat bran slows down bolus digestion. Therefore, sugar absorption is slowed down, and bursts of blood sugar level are kept to a minimum. The pancreas functioning gets easier.
This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity.
It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
Vitamin-E rich oat bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years. It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.
Vitamins contained in oat bran improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, and improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and the immune system. Oat bran is rich in such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of oat bran is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Oat Bran
Oat bran fiber is valued at most for the high content of food fibers. This fiber helps to regulate the intestine functioning, to improve microflora, and to lose weight. It is very useful for health and slim figure.
Bran consists of floral cover (peel) of the grain, grain germ, and aleurone layer of the grain. It is bran, which contains the most useful things that may be found in the grain itself. Bran contains 90% of biologically active components of the whole grain. Meanwhile, top-grade flour is a pure starch that has no living cells or microelements necessary for our body.
Regular consumption of fiber of oat bran helps to reduce cholesterol level and sugar level in the blood. Also, fiber of oat bran can arrange biliary excretion at gallbladder dyskinesia, and helps to get rid of constipations. Fiber of oat bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body. Oat bran contains 12 amino acids that are essential for the human being. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that have no analogues by their qualitative and quantitative composition contained in other vegetable raw materials. Polyphenols that are found in oat prevent the development of atherosclerosis as they reduce the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood. Oat bran improves metabolism in the body; it behaves as diaphoretic, diuretic, antifebrile, antisclerotic, and antiulcer agent, and helps to treat skin diseases. Oat bran is taken at acute and chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary emphysema. It contains vegetable fibers (beta-glucan) that reduce cholesterol level in the blood, and also it contains unique avenatramid antioxidant that protects vessels. Oat bran contains more iron than in other bran. Furthermore, it contains a lot of sulphur (it is essential for metabolism of nervous tissue, blood, hair, nails, cartilages, and bones), silicon (it prevents hair loss and stops the degenerative processes), phosphorus, and potassium.
Fiber of Oat Bran to Lose Weight
This fiber is very useful for those people suffering from overweight; it helps to lose weight, and to get a slim figure. Fiber-rich food is absorbed more slowly and provides feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber of bran enhances the intestine peristalsis thus reducing absorption of nutrients and consequently of calorie content of food.
Furthermore, this fiber swells in the intestine and increases in volume thus giving a feeling of fullness and preserving people from overeating and gaining excess weight, and further obesity.
Fiber of oat bran contains B-group vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E. It also contains microelements that are needed for normal metabolic processes in the body. Such microelements are as follows: potassium, calcium, fluorine, cooper, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, etc. Bran can be classified as health food product. Many valuable minerals are destroyed in the process of grain milling. As a rule, those who like pastries have got hyperacidity. If food is cooked with using uncleaned grain or bran, it helps to prevent constipations, and such concomitant diseases as: haemorrhoids, obesity and so on, and also thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes.
Fiber of Oat Bran to Struggle Against Obesity and Diabetes
Vegetable fibers, which are contained in large numbers in bran, are poorly digested. So, people do not feel hungry for a longer time. That is why the fiber of oat bran is so popular among people suffering from excess weight. Also, this fiber has low nutrition value.
When passing through the intestine, the fiber swells and forms a soft mass that removes decomposition products and cancerogens from the intestine. Due to this the fiber of oat bran can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level.
The fiber of oat bran is recommended as an effective supplement to patients suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this fiber restores metabolism and reduces the blood sugar level.
It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of oat bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin).
Research data show that taking fiber of oat bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines. Oat bran slows down bolus digestion. Therefore, sugar absorption is slowed down, and bursts of blood sugar level are kept to a minimum. The pancreas functioning gets easier.
Fiber of Oat Bran to Provide Normal Functioning of Cardio-Vascular System
As fiber of oat bran contains vitamins B3, B6, and B9, the cholesterol level in the blood is significantly reduced, thus preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls.
Vitamin B1 contained in oat bran transforms into cocarboxylase that positively affects many functions of cardio-vascular system. Potassium and magnesium also contained in oat bran are very important for our heart and vessels. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is a perfect preventive measure against atherosclerosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
The oat bran was distinguished by the American Heart Association for its beneficial and therapeutic effect and influence on reduction of cholesterol level in the blood.
Scientists insist that people could live longer and feel better if they had eaten more food containing fiber of rude and hard digested food. It is bran, which is exactly such food. As it contains a lot of fiber, it is a hard digested product.
Health Benefits of Fiber of Oat Bran for Male and Female Body
People consuming more vegetable fiber are less exposed to heart diseases compared to those consuming far too little of fiber. The fact that bran has therapeutic and protective properties is associated with a high number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients contained in it. Furthermore, some vegetable lignines contained in bran are phytoestrogens in fact. Regular consumption of phytoestrogens prevents the occurrence of neoplasms related to hormones.
Oat bran is rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 as well as such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases.
Vitamin-E rich oat bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years.
Pesticides found in fruits and vegetables; food additives, pigments, mercury, and lead found in meat and fish; carcinogens, and actually all food we eat enters into colon and is absorbed by the body. Colon cancer is mainly caused by carcinogens that are present in feces.
Fiber of oat bran normalizes the intestine functioning and reduces the development of colon tumors. Thanks to this fiber the digestion process is shifted below that area in colon where usually a tumor appears. Oat bran helps to prevent colon cancer.
It seems that fiber of oat bran is useful almost in everything. So it is. Counterindications can occur only at acute phase of gastritis, polyps, and gastric ulcer. It is better stop consuming fiber for a while at acute phase until recurrence ends.
If you have increased feeling of hunger at nights but you can’t eat after 6 PM because of the diet prescribed by your dietitian, just drink a glass of kefir (butter milk) mixed with a handful of oat bran fiber to relieve hunger.
Bran-rich food facilitates a formation of a special substance that prevents the cells damage. Nutritionists say that we have to take 30g of food fibers per day.
Food fibers give a feeling of fullness. They also stimulate biliary excretion, and intestine motor function; thin the intestine content as well as form and increase the number of fecal mass and effect positively on the intestine microflora, and reduce effectively cholesterol level in the blood.
The lack of fiber in today food ration is one of the causes of constipations, and the main factor of the development of colon and rectal polyps, and haemorrhoids.
Fiber of oat bran is necessary for normal functioning of digestive system; it is essential for prevention of cancer diseases. Oat bran is rich in fiber that can retain a lot of water thanks to its pore structure. Once in the intestine, it thins fecal masses and facilitates their active movement in the colon. Thanks to this property, the fiber is useful for those people suffering from frequent constipations.
Fiber of oat bran contains such substances that excite the intestine peristalsis and facilitate the wastes removal. The most important microelement for the human being is iron that is left in bran too (unlike flour).
The most important bran property is an ability to retain water. For example, 1g of bran can retain 5g of water. It enhances colon peristalsis and increases the volume of fecal masses. The fiber shortens the contact of harmful substances and metabolism byproducts with colon mucous membrane in the body, thus bringing to a minimum the development of colon cancer and haemorrhoids.
Furthermore, the fiber is a perfect breeding ground for useful intestinal flora. Due to that fact, the consumption of fiber of oat bran is an effective method of dysbacteriosis prevention and treatment.
B-group vitamins contained in oat bran facilitate digestion (vitamins B2 and B3 have a beneficial effect on mucous membrane of the whole alimentary tract, while vitamin B3 stimulates gastric juice production and the intestine motor function as well as increases activity of liver, and pancreas). Fiber of oat bran normalizes biliary excretion and absorbs harmful bile acids and bad cholesterol formed in the result of enterohepatic circulation of bile. This is the reason why you should take fiber of oat bran every day so that to prevent and treat biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, and other diseases of liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts.
Therapeutic and nutritious benefits of fiber of oat bran are immeasurable. It cleanses the intestine perfectly, and this is a key to health and longevity.
Since olden time, steamed oat bran in Rus has been used in folk medicine as purgative agent as well as the agent that normalizes digestion, and a softening agent at psoriasis, eczema, and skin dryness. Also, it was used at poisonings and for therapy tanks. Archiaters in France used bran as sure remedy to cure heart diseases. Nowadays, oat bran is used in cosmetology to prepare face masque for fading skin.
Consumption of 20–30g of this fiber per day helps the patients suffering from familial adenomatous polyposis to prevent the occurrence and the development of rectum polyps. Patients suffering from nonfamilial adenomatous polyposis can avoid polyps reacquisition after their removal by means of surgical excision.
Directions For Use
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
You can normalize the intestine functioning within only 3 or 4 days by adding oat bran fiber to your food. None of the medicines can provide you with such results.
Fiber of oat bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Steam the fiber with water and drain it in half an hour. Take a swollen fiber with warm water or just add it to your dish as indicated above.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this fiber per day just for preventive purposes. Those children who reach by 2 years of age can take this fiber. Daily intake of fiber is prescribed strictly individually taking into consideration stool frequency — it is desirable that a person should go to the toilet 2 times per day when taking fiber. Begin taking 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then you can increase your intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
When taking fiber of oat bran, drink a lot of water (about 6 glasses per day).
Buckwheat is the best cereal (after whole rice) for the human being health. It is the only cereal with high content of rutin antioxidant that improves the blood circulation, prevents the increase of cholesterol level, and vascular occlusion.It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance.
Fiber of buckwheat bran helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity. Vitamins contained in buckwheat bran improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, and improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and the immune system.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease and diabetes.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of buckwheat bran is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector. It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Fiber of buckwheat bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Buckwheat Bran
Buckwheat bran fiber is valued at most for the high content of food fibers. This fiber helps to regulate the intestine functioning, to improve microflora, and to lose weight. It is very useful for health and slim figure.
Bran consists of floral cover (peel) of the grain, grain germ, and aleurone layer of the grain. It is bran, which contains the most useful things that may be found in the grain itself. Bran contains 90% of biologically active components of the whole grain. Meanwhile, top-grade flour is a pure starch that has no living cells or microelements necessary for our body.
Buckwheat is the best cereal (after whole rice) for the human being health. Buckwheat bran reduces capillary fragility and permeability, strengthens blood vessels, balances nervous system, and helps to treat liver diseases. They are useful at acute bronchitis and bronchiectasis. It is the only cereal with high content of rutin antioxidant that improves the blood circulation, prevents the increase of cholesterol level, and vascular occlusion.
Regular consumption of fiber of buckwheat bran helps to reduce cholesterol level and sugar level in the blood. Also, fiber of buckwheat bran can arrange biliary excretion at gallbladder dyskinesia, and helps to get rid of constipations. Fiber of buckwheat bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body.
Fiber of Buckwheat Bran to Lose Weight
This fiber is very useful for those people suffering from overweight; it helps to lose weight, and to get a slim figure. Fiber-rich food is absorbed more slowly and provides feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber of bran enhances the intestine peristalsis thus reducing absorption of nutrients and consequently of calorie content of food.
Furthermore, this fiber swells in the intestine and increases in volume thus giving a feeling of fullness and preserving people from overeating and gaining excess weight, and further obesity.
Fiber of buckwheat bran contains B-group vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E. It also contains microelements that are needed for normal metabolic processes in the body. Such microelements are as follows: potassium, calcium, fluorine, cooper, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, etc. Bran can be classified as health food product. Many valuable minerals are destroyed in the process of grain milling. As a rule, those who like pastries have got hyperacidity. If food is cooked with using uncleaned grain or bran, it helps to prevent constipations, and such concomitant diseases as: haemorrhoids, obesity, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and so on.
Fiber of Buckwheat Bran to Struggle Against Obesity and Diabetes
Vegetable fibers, which are contained in large numbers in bran, are poorly digested. So, people do not feel hungry for a longer time. That is why the fiber of buckwheat bran is so popular among people suffering from excess weight. Also, this fiber has low nutrition value. When passing through the intestine, the fiber swells and forms a soft mass that removes decomposition products and carcenogens from the intestine. Due to this, the fiber of buckwheat bran can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level.
The fiber of buckwheat bran is recommended as an effective supplement to patients suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this fiber restores metabolism and reduces the blood sugar level.
It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of buckwheat bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin).
Research data show that taking fiber of buckwheat bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines.
Fiber of Buckwheat Bran to Provide Normal Functioning of Cardio-Vascular System
As fiber of buckwheat bran contains vitamins B3, B6, and B9, the cholesterol level in the blood is significantly reduced, thus preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls. Vitamin B1 contained in buckwheat bran transforms into cocarboxylase that positively affects many functions of cardio-vascular system. Potassium and magnesium also contained in buckwheat bran are very important for our heart and vessels. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is a perfect preventive measure against atherosclerosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
Scientists insist that people could live longer and feel better if they had eaten more food containing fiber of rude and hard digested food. It is bran, which is exactly such food. As it contains a lot of fiber, it is a hard digested product.
Health Benefits of Fiber of Buckwheat Bran for Male and Female Body
People consuming more vegetable fiber are less exposed to heart diseases compared to those consuming far too little of fiber. The fact that bran has therapeutic and protective properties is associated with a high number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients contained in it. Furthermore, some vegetable lignines contained in bran are phytoestrogens in fact. Regular consumption of phytoestrogens prevents the occurrence of neoplasms related to hormones.
Buckwheat bran is rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 as well as such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases.
Vitamin-E rich buckwheat bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years.
Regular consumption of fiber of buckwheat bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body. Fiber of buckwheat bran normalizes the intestine functioning and reduces the development of colon tumors. Thanks to this fiber the digestion process is shifted below that area in colon where usually a tumor appears.
It seems that fiber of buckwheat bran is useful almost in everything. So it is. Counterindications can occur only at acute phase of gastritis, polyps, and gastric ulcer. It is better stop consuming fiber for a while at acute phase until recurrence ends.
If you have increased feeling of hunger at nights but you can’t eat after 6 PM because of the diet prescribed by your dietitian, just drink a glass of kefir (butter milk) mixed with a handful of buckwheat bran fiber to relieve hunger.
Bran-rich food facilitates a formation of a special substance that prevents the cells damage. Nutritionists say that we have to take 30g of food fibers per day.
Food fibers give a feeling of fullness. They also stimulate biliary excretion, and intestine motor function; thin the intestine content as well as form and increase the number of fecal mass and effect positively on the intestine microflora, and reduce effectively cholesterol level in the blood.
The lack of fiber in today food ration is one of the causes of constipations, and the main factor of the development of colon and rectal polyps, and haemorrhoids.
Fiber of buckwheat bran is necessary for normal functioning of digestive system; it is essential for prevention of cancer diseases. Buckwheat bran is rich in fiber that can retain a lot of water thanks to its pore structure. Once in the intestine, it thins fecal masses and facilitates their active movement in the colon. Thanks to this property, the fiber is useful for those people suffering from frequent constipations.
Fiber of buckwheat bran contains such substances that excite the intestine peristalsis and facilitate the wastes removal. The most important microelement for the human being is iron that is left in bran too (unlike flour).
The most important bran property is an ability to retain water. For example, 1g of bran can retain 5g of water. It enhances colon peristalsis and increases the volume of fecal masses. The fiber shortens the contact of harmful substances and metabolism byproducts with colon mucous membrane in the body, thus bringing to a minimum the development of colon cancer and haemorrhoids. Furthermore, the fiber is a perfect breeding ground for useful intestinal flora. Due to that fact, the consumption of fiber of buckwheat bran is an effective method of dysbacteriosis prevention and treatment.
B-group vitamins contained in buckwheat bran facilitate digestion (vitamins B2 and B3 have a beneficial effect on mucous membrane of the whole alimentary tract, while vitamin B3 stimulates gastric juice production and the intestine motor function as well as increases activity of liver, and pancreas). Fiber of buckwheat bran normalizes biliary excretion and absorbs harmful bile acids and bad cholesterol formed in the result of enterohepatic circulation of bile. This is the reason why you should take fiber of buckwheat bran every day so that to prevent and treat biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, and other diseases of liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts.
Therapeutic and nutritious benefits of fiber of buckwheat bran are immeasurable. It cleanses the intestine perfectly, and this is a key to health and longevity.
Since olden time, steamed buckwheat bran in Rus has been used in folk medicine as purgative agent as well as the agent that normalizes digestion, and a softening agent at psoriasis, eczema, and skin dryness. Also, it was used at poisonings and for therapy tanks. Archiaters in France used bran as sure remedy to cure heart diseases. Nowadays, buckwheat bran is used in cosmetology to prepare face masque for fading skin.
Consumption of 20–30g of this fiber per day helps the patients suffering from familial adenomatous polyposis to prevent the occurrence and the development of rectum polyps. Patients suffering from nonfamilial adenomatous polyposis can avoid polyps reacquisition after their removal by means of surgical excision.
Directions For Use
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
You can normalize the intestine functioning within only 3 or 4 days by adding buckwheat bran fiber to your food. None of the medicines can provide you with such results.
Fiber of buckwheat bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Steam the fiber with water and drain it in half an hour. Take a swollen fiber with warm water or just add it to your dish as indicated above.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this fiber per day just for preventive purposes.
Those children who reach by 2 years of age can take this fiber. Daily intake of fiber is prescribed strictly individually taking into consideration stool frequency — it is desirable that a person should go to the toilet 2 times per day when taking fiber. Begin taking 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then you can increase your intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
When taking fiber of bran, drink a lot of water (about 6 glasses per day).
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance.This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity. Vitamins contained in wheat bran improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, and improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and the immune system.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of wheat bran is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector. It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Fiber of wheat bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Wheat Bran
Wheat bran fiber is valued at most for the high content of food fibers.
This fiber helps to regulate the intestine functioning, to improve microflora, and to lose weight. It is very useful for health and slim figure. Bran consists of floral cover (peel) of the grain, grain germ, and aleurone layer of the grain. It is bran, which contains the most useful things that may be found in the grain itself. Bran contains 90% of biologically active components of the whole grain.
Meanwhile, top-grade flour is a pure starch that has no living cells or microelements necessary for our body.
Regular consumption of fiber of wheat bran helps to reduce cholesterol level and sugar level in the blood. Also, this fiber can arrange biliary excretion at gallbladder dyskinesia, and helps to get rid of constipations. Fiber of wheat bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body.
Fiber of Wheat Bran to Lose Weight
This fiber is very useful for those people suffering from overweight; it helps to lose weight, and to get a slim figure. Fiber-rich food is absorbed more slowly and provides feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber of bran enhances the intestine peristalsis thus reducing absorption of nutrients and consequently of calorie content of food.
Furthermore, this fiber swells in the intestine and increases in volume thus giving a feeling of fullness and preserving people from overeating and gaining excess weight, and further obesity.
Fiber of wheat bran contains B-group vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E. It also contains microelements that are needed for normal metabolic processes in the body. Such microelements are as follows: potassium, calcium, fluorine, cooper, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, etc. Bran can be classified as health food product. Many valuable minerals are destroyed in the process of grain milling. As a rule, those who like pastries have got hyperacidity. If food is cooked with using uncleaned grain or bran, it helps to prevent constipations, and such concomitant diseases as: haemorrhoids, obesity, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and so on.
Fiber of Wheat Bran to Struggle Against Obesity and Diabetes
Vegetable fibers, which are contained in large numbers in bran, are poorly digested. So, people do not feel hungry for a longer time. That is why the fiber of wheat bran is so popular among people suffering from excess weight. Also, this fiber has low nutrition value. When passing through the intestine, the fiber swells and forms a soft mass that removes decomposition products and carcinogens from the intestine. Due to this the fiber of wheat bran can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level.
It is recommended as an effective supplement to patients suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this fiber restores metabolism and reduces the blood sugar level.
It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of wheat bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin).
Research data show that taking fiber of wheat bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines.
Fiber of Wheat Bran to Provide Normal Functioning of Cardio-Vascular System
As fiber of wheat bran contains vitamins B3, B6, and B9, the cholesterol level in the blood is significantly reduced, thus preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls.
Vitamin B1 contained in wheat bran transforms into cocarboxylase that positively affects many functions of cardio-vascular system. Potassium and magnesium also contained in wheat bran are very important for our heart and vessels. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is a perfect preventive measure against atherosclerosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
Scientists insist that people could live longer and feel better if they had eaten more food containing fiber of rude and hard digested food. It is bran, which is exactly such food. Bran contains a lot of fiber, so it is a hard digested product.
Health Benefits of Fiber of Wheat Bran for Male and Female Body
Wheat bran is rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 as well as such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases.
Vitamin-E rich wheat bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years.
Regular consumption of fiber of wheat bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body. Fiber of wheat bran normalizes the intestine functioning and reduces the development of colon tumors. Thanks to this fiber the digestion process is shifted below that area in colon where usually a tumor appears.
It seems that fiber of wheat bran is useful almost in everything. So it is. Counterindications can occur only at acute phase of gastritis, polyps, and gastric ulcer. It is better stop consuming fiber for a while at acute phase until recurrence ends.
If you have increased feeling of hunger at nights but you can’t eat after 6 PM because of the diet prescribed by your dietitian, just drink a glass of kefir (butter milk) mixed with a handful of wheat bran fiber to relieve hunger.
Bran-rich food facilitates a formation of a special substance that prevents the cells damage. Nutritionists say that we have to take 30g of food fibers per day. Food fibers give a feeling of fullness.
They also stimulate biliary excretion, and intestine motor function; thin the intestine content as well as form and increase the number of fecal mass and effect positively on the intestine microflora, and reduce effectively cholesterol level in the blood. The lack of fiber in today food ration is one of the causes of constipations, and the main factor of the development of colon and rectal polyps, and haemorrhoids.
Fiber of wheat bran is necessary for normal functioning of digestive system; it is essential for prevention of cancer diseases. Wheat bran is rich in fiber that can retain a lot of water thanks to its pore structure. Once in the intestine, it thins fecal masses and facilitates their active movement in the colon. Thanks to this property, the fiber is useful for those people suffering from frequent constipations.
Fiber of wheat bran contains such substances that excite the intestine peristalsis and facilitate the wastes removal. The most important microelement for the human being is iron that is left in bran too (unlike flour).
The most important bran property is an ability to retain water. For example, 1g of bran can retain 5g of water. It enhances colon peristalsis and increases the volume of fecal masses. The fiber shortens the contact of harmful substances and metabolism byproducts with colon mucous membrane in the body, thus bringing to a minimum the development of colon cancer and haemorrhoids.
Furthermore, the fiber is a perfect breeding ground for useful intestinal flora. Due to that fact, the consumption of fiber of wheat bran is an effective method of dysbacteriosis prevention and treatment.
B-group vitamins contained in wheat bran facilitate digestion (vitamins B2 and B3 have a beneficial effect on mucous membrane of the whole alimentary tract, while vitamin B3 stimulates gastric juice production and the intestine motor function as well as increases activity of liver, and pancreas). Fiber of wheat bran normalizes biliary excretion and absorbs harmful bile acids and bad cholesterol formed in the result of enterohepatic circulation of bile. This is the reason why you should take fiber of wheat bran every day so that to prevent and treat biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, and other diseases of liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts.
Therapeutic and nutritious benefits of fiber of wheat bran are immeasurable. It cleanses the intestine perfectly, and this is a key to health and longevity.
Since olden time, steamed wheat bran in Rus has been used in folk medicine as purgative agent as well as the agent that normalizes digestion, and a softening agent at psoriasis, eczema, and skin dryness. Also, it was used at poisonings and for therapy tanks. Archiaters in France used bran as sure remedy to cure heart diseases. Nowadays, wheat bran is used in cosmetology to prepare face masque for fading skin.
Consumption of 20–30g of this fiber per day helps the patients suffering from familial adenomatous polyposis to prevent the occurrence and the development of rectum polyps. Patients suffering from nonfamilial adenomatous polyposis can avoid polyps reacquisition after their removal by means of surgical excision.
Directions For Use
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
You can normalize the intestine functioning within only 3 or 4 days by adding wheat bran fiber to your food. None of the medicines can provide you with such results.
Fiber of wheat bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Steam the fiber with water and drain it in half an hour. Take a swollen fiber with warm water or just add it to your dish as indicated above.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this fiber per day just for preventive purposes. Those children who reach by 2 years of age can take this fiber. Daily intake of fiber is prescribed strictly individually taking into consideration stool frequency — it is desirable that a person should go to the toilet 2 times per day when taking fiber. Begin taking 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then you can increase your intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
When taking fiber of bran, drink a lot of water (about 6 glasses per day).
It is recommended to take this fiber as a dietary supplement to the food ration so that to normalize digestion and gastrointestinal tract functioning, to reduce the blood sugar level, to prevent thrombosis, to normalize metabolism and cholesterol level in the blood, to enhance the immune system and body defenses, to improve overall condition of the body, to prevent cardio-vascular diseases, to normalize prostate gland functioning, to release toxins from the body, to prevent colon cancer and dysbacteriosis, and to normalize hormonal balance.This fiber helps to lose weight, to reduce obesity, to normalize weight, and to facilitate active longevity.
Barley bran contains easily digestible and active vitamins A, D, E, PP, and K as well as B-group vitamins, polysaccharides, amino acids, minerals, and natural antibiotic gordecin. Vitamins contained in barley bran improve the skin condition, speed up tissue regeneration, and improve the growth of hair and nails. Also, they are essential for preserving eyesight and the immune system.
Barley bran is rich in such polyunsaturated fatty acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases. Barley bran helps men to restore potency and preserve their health for years.
It is recommended to take this fiber at high physical and psychoemotional loads as an additional source of food fibers, macro- and microelements, protein, and vitamins. Also, it is taken to provide optimal dietetic conditions of functioning of digestive system, lever, and pancreas; to normalize motor function of the intestine, to support normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes.
This fiber cleanses the body from bile acids and toxins, releases nitrates that enter the body when eating fruits and vegetables.
The fiber of barley bran is rich in energy; it is an excellent antioxidant and radioprotector. It also facilitates better digestion and normalizes the intestine microflora. The fiber cleanses your body by means of soaking up all excessive substances that have accumulated over the years. Once in the intestine, this fiber swells and acquires the ability to sorb and remove from the body toxins, wastes, excessive cholesterol, ammonia, and bile pigments.
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, porridge, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread. It is perfect for au gratin.
Fiber of barley bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Health Benefits of Vegetable Fiber of Barley Bran
Barley bran fiber is valued at most for the high content of food fibers. This fiber helps to regulate the intestine functioning, to improve microflora, and to lose weight. It is very useful for health and slim figure.
Bran consists of floral cover (peel) of the grain, grain germ, and aleurone layer of the grain. It is bran, which contains the most useful things that may be found in the grain itself. Bran contains 90% of biologically active components of the whole grain. Meanwhile, top-grade flour is a pure starch that has no living cells or microelements necessary for our body.
Regular consumption of fiber of barley bran helps to reduce cholesterol level and sugar level in the blood. Also, fiber of barley bran can arrange biliary excretion at gallbladder dyskinesia, and helps to get rid of constipations. Fiber of barley bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body.
Fiber of Barley Bran to Lose Weight
This fiber is very useful for those people suffering from overweight; it helps to lose weight, and to get a slim figure. Fiber-rich food is absorbed more slowly and provides feeling of fullness for a longer time. Fiber of bran enhances the intestine peristalsis thus reducing absorption of nutrients and consequently of calorie content of food.
Furthermore, this fiber swells in the intestine and increases in volume thus giving a feeling of fullness and preserving people from overeating and gaining excess weight, and further obesity.
Fiber of barley bran contains B-group vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E. It also contains microelements that are needed for normal metabolic processes in the body. Such microelements are as follows: potassium, calcium, fluorine, cooper, zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, etc. Bran can be classified as health food product. Many valuable minerals are destroyed in the process of grain milling. As a rule, those who like pastries have got hyperacidity. If food is cooked with using uncleaned grain or bran, it helps to prevent constipations, and such concomitant diseases as: haemorrhoids, obesity, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and so on.
Fiber of Barley Bran to Struggle Against Obesity and Diabetes
Vegetable fibers, which are contained in large numbers in bran, are poorly digested. So, people do not feel hungry for a longer time. That is why the fiber of barley bran is so popular among people suffering from excess weight. Also, this fiber has low nutrition value. When passing through the intestine, the fiber swells and forms a soft mass that removes decomposition products and carcenogens from the intestine. Due to this, the fiber of barley bran can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level.
The fiber of barley bran is recommended as an effective supplement to patients suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this fiber restores metabolism and reduces the blood sugar level.
It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates reducing thereby the speed of increasing of the blood glucose level. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is useful for those people suffering from diabetes (i.e. the fiber of barley bran included to the diabetics food ration reduces consumption of medicines containing insulin).
Research data show that taking fiber of barley bran at diabetes reduces the increase of blood glucose level after eating. Consequently, there is no need to take insulin and other anti-diabetic medicines.
Fiber of Barley Bran to Provide Normal Functioning of Cardio-Vascular System
Barley bran contains easily digestible and active vitamins A, D, E, PP, and K as well as B-group vitamins, polysaccharides, amino acids, minerals, and natural antibiotic gordecin.
As fiber of barley bran contains vitamins B3, B6, and B9, the cholesterol level in the blood is significantly reduced, thus preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls.
Vitamin B1 contained in barley bran transforms into cocarboxylase that positively affects many functions of cardio-vascular system. Potassium and magnesium also contained in barley bran are very important for our heart and vessels. Therefore, regular consumption of this fiber is a perfect preventive measure against atherosclerosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
Scientists insist that people could live longer and feel better if they had eaten more food containing fiber of rude and hard digested food. It is bran, which is exactly such food. Bran contains a lot of fiber, so it is a hard digested product.
Health Benefits of Fiber of Barley Bran for Male and Female Body
It is recommended to take barley bran broth in the following cases: – at inflammatory intestinal diseases; – as a strengthening agent after abdominal surgery; – as cough softening agent at bronchitis and other respiratory diseases; – as a special diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent at nephritis and nephrosis; – as a way of inducing lactation of breastfeeding mothers.
Barley bran broth is taken as a dietetic preventive agent at intestinal diseases. Pour 1 tablespoon of barley bran with 1 glass of water, let it stand for 4–5 hours, then boil for 10 minutes, and drain. Take 1 tablespoon of broth 4–5 times per day.
People consuming more vegetable fiber are less exposed to heart diseases compared to those consuming far too little of fiber. The fact that bran has therapeutic and protective properties is associated with a high number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients contained in it. Furthermore, some vegetable lignines contained in bran are phytoestrogens in fact. Regular consumption of phytoestrogens prevents the occurrence of neoplasms related to hormones.
Barley is one of the best cereals that strengthens the body and restores vitality. It also facilitates longevity.
Barley bran is rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 as well as such polyunsaturated acids as OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Therefore, bran as well as flax seed oil normalizes estrogens level in female body. Consumption of bran is very useful for prevention and treatment of breast cancer, endometriosis, hysteromyoma, and other gynaecological diseases.
Vitamin-E rich barley bran (a vitamin of youthfulness) included into men’s food ration helps to restore potency and preserve men’s health for years.
Regular consumption of fiber of barley bran removes detrimental compounds of heavy metals from the body. Fiber of barley bran normalizes the intestine functioning and reduces the development of colon tumors. Thanks to this fiber the digestion process is shifted below that area in colon where usually a tumor appears.
It seems that fiber of barley bran is useful almost in everything. So it is. Counterindications can occur only at acute phase of gastritis, polyps, and gastric ulcer. It is better stop consuming fiber for a while at acute phase until recurrence ends.
If you have increased feeling of hunger at nights but you can’t eat after 6 PM because of the diet prescribed by your dietitian, just drink a glass of kefir (butter milk) mixed with a handful of barley bran fiber to relieve hunger.
Bran-rich food facilitates a formation of a special substance that prevents the cells damage. Nutritionists say that we have to take 30g of food fibers per day. Food fibers give a feeling of fullness.
They also stimulate biliary excretion, and intestine motor function; thin the intestine content as well as form and increase the number of fecal mass and effect positively on the intestine microflora, and reduce effectively cholesterol level in the blood. The lack of fiber in today food ration is one of the causes of constipations, and the main factor of the development of colon and rectal polyps, and haemorrhoids.
Fiber of barley bran is necessary for normal functioning of digestive system; it is essential for prevention of cancer diseases. Barley bran is rich in fiber that can retain a lot of water thanks to its pore structure.
Once in the intestine, it thins fecal masses and facilitates their active movement in the colon. Thanks to this property, the fiber is useful for those people suffering from frequent constipations.
Fiber of barley bran contains such substances that excite the intestine peristalsis and facilitate the wastes removal. The most important microelement for the human being is iron that is left in bran too (unlike flour).
The most important bran property is an ability to retain water. For example, 1g of bran can retain 5g of water. It enhances colon peristalsis and increases the volume of fecal masses. The fiber shortens the contact of harmful substances and metabolism byproducts with colon mucous membrane in the body, thus bringing to a minimum the development of colon cancer and haemorrhoids.
Furthermore, the fiber is a perfect breeding ground for useful intestinal flora. Due to that fact, the consumption of fiber of barley bran is an effective method of dysbacteriosis prevention and treatment.
B-group vitamins contained in barley bran facilitate digestion (vitamins B2 and B3 have a beneficial effect on mucous membrane of the whole alimentary tract, while vitamin B3 stimulates gastric juice production and the intestine motor function as well as increases activity of liver, and pancreas). Fiber of barley bran normalizes biliary excretion and absorbs harmful bile acids and bad cholesterol formed in the result of enterohepatic circulation of bile. This is the reason why you should take fiber of barley bran every day so that to prevent and treat biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, and other diseases of liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts.
Therapeutic and nutritious benefits of fiber of barley bran are immeasurable. It cleanses the intestine perfectly, and this is a key to health and longevity.
Since olden time, steamed barley bran in Rus has been used in folk medicine as purgative agent as well as the agent that normalizes digestion, and a softening agent at psoriasis, eczema, and skin dryness. Also, it was used at poisonings and for therapy tanks. Archiaters in France used bran as sure remedy to cure heart diseases. Nowadays, barley bran is used in cosmetology to prepare face masque for fading skin.
Consumption of 20–30g of this fiber per day helps the patients suffering from familial adenomatous polyposis to prevent the occurrence and the development of rectum polyps. Patients suffering from nonfamilial adenomatous polyposis can avoid polyps reacquisition after their removal by means of surgical excision.
Directions For Use
You can add the fiber to any first or second course, side dish, vegetable caviar, vegetable or fruit salad, quark, milk, kefir (butter milk), yoghurt, juice, fruit puree, and dessert. Also use it to cook buns and bread.
You can normalize the intestine functioning within only 3 or 4 days by adding barley bran fiber to your food. None of the medicines can provide you with such results.
Fiber of barley bran is very useful and can replace bread as it contains no yeast and white flour.
Steam the fiber with water and drain it in half an hour. Take a swollen fiber with warm water or just add it to your dish as indicated above.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of this fiber per day just for preventive purposes. Those children who reach by 2 years of age can take this fiber. Daily intake of fiber is prescribed strictly individually taking into consideration stool frequency — it is desirable that a person should go to the toilet 2 times per day when taking fiber. Begin taking 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then you can increase your intake to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day.
When taking fiber of bran, drink a lot of water (about 6 glasses per day).